Alright guys, laugh all you want, but it works. ha. ha.
Since I had the rest of the week off and had to show the One We Must obey I was busy, I came up with this innovation to end the frustration of a tangled mess when it comes to digging up the Christmas lights.
200 feet of nothing but tangled mess.
Ahh, but wait, here is my tool. Wrap it around when taking it down and stays untangled.
I drilled a hole in the middle, inserted a 3/8" rod poked into the ground and now it just swivels around while I install them, no tangled mess.
This is the tool I installed on an extendable painters pole to install the lights in my tree. Made of wood and sanded the edges so as not to damage the conductors.
Now that handle can come in handy to just store a couple hundred feet of Christmas lights without the mess.
The grandkids are coming down tomorrow and will put it to the test. :):D;)
I have gotten so frustrated over the years with tangled lights and, this is the worst, a string of lights that goes out in the middle of the tree:twisted: that I just buy new ones every year. I’m tired of, " if one goes out the rest stay on"… my a_ _:twisted:
You’re a better man than me Marcel :D. I think those little fuses are what gets me. The high dollar, “pre-lit”, tree I bought last year got dimmer and dimmer approaching Chrismas. I think by Christmas the upper left section and lower right section was all that was left burning. Don’t grt mr wrong, I love to decorate but I usually have “Clark Griswold” (Chevy Chase) luck :roll:.
I spent so many dollars on lights over the years to find out that a bulb burns and they all go out. Trying to find the burnt bulb is like trying to find a pin in a hay stack. Then the little fuses. Well, goddarn it, don’t you think they could paint the godarn thing red to flag it out, no, they want you to buy another set.
It is all about money.
The lights that I have are three conductors and I think it is why they all stay lit accept the burnt bulbs. Not sure.
One way or the other, I am glad when it comes and glad when it goes.
I just hope the little ones we love so much enjoy it so they will do the same to their little ones.
That’s what it’s all about, the little ones. I’m sure the “magic” will be passed on to them;-)
I still remember unscrewing those big bulbs, licking the base, screwing it back in, and then giving it a good flick with the finger, and presto!.. it always seemed to be the blue ones:roll:
I figured you had some special gadget that pops out of your cell phone, mounts on top of your head and has a 6 horsepower Briggs & Stratton motor that automatically reels the lights in. :mrgreen: