Just wondering if anyone has found this same problem. Inspected a house built in 1987. Not a single outlet was grounded. Even checked the 3 prong dryer 240 connection and no ground there.
Now, first off. I did my job and reported the issue to the buyer and agent. Both verbally and in the report so, my job is done.
So, I’m just curious if anyone else has encountered the same problem and if they ever determined the cause.
Inference is up to the person reading, the person writing may only imply.
I was not attempting to imply anything about the inspector and would hope that no one would infer that such was my intent. I was speaking of those who create the defects that keep us all so well employed.
Got ya. I thought perhaps you were thinking the inspector simply didn’t understand or identify the many different unique systems that the home may have had, such as UFER, branch circuits grounded via AC and metal boxes, etc.
No, since I didn’t inspect that home. On my home I did inspect I suggested that as part of the overall electric repair. All new wiring, they simply never grounded it. Farm country so the electric inspector would have required it.
It’s my understanding that Open ground readings have nothing to do with the grounding system. The “grounds” bond non current carrying metal components to the grounding system.
So an open ground reading at a fixture has nothing to do with the grounding system.
OK, to clear up any confusion…
The first outlet I tested was outside. Plug in my Commercial Electric MS102H is GFCI Receptacle Tester. (home depot. about 8 bucks) and it shows open ground. No big deal. Not uncommon.
by the way, house built in 1987 so, everything should be grounded. OH, no additions or changes to the house since it was built.
Now, go inside and start testing kitchen outlets and again, all open grounds. Now I get my simple general twin lead tester and check the 3 prong dryer outlet. I get 240 volts with both hots but, cannot get a single 120 by testing one hot along with the ground. Every single outlet in the house is tested…Open ground.
So, there you have it.
By the way, thread not abandoned. I was out doing more inspections. Our Florida market is very busy right now. Not like we used to be in the 90’s. 100 to 130 inspections a week but, not bad for a recovering economy either.
Welcome back. Were the EGCs in the panel? Ground rod(s)? Did you peek behind any outlet covers to see where the EGCs were (MIA, Present but unattached? other?)? It’s a very curious situation for the age of the home.
House has a well and in the past I have had electricians insist on installing 2 ground rods, so since its been usual more than not I went with what I have seen done. Not sure why its been done but that’s been the norm.
There is a horse barn which also needs a ground bar as well or at least the electricians have installed them in past rural properties I have inspected. I’m so so on electric but for rehab inspections I have to take a guess at whats needed or people try to skimp. Overall I just need the electricians to do the proper grounding and bonding. They tell me if I missed something.
At the end all necessary repairs are verified by the trade specialist so plumbing, HVAC, electrical are certified as safe before occupancy is allowed.
I don’t know why people keep mentioning the ground rods when the issue is not related to the system grounding. Ground rods or electrodes are not needed for a device to be grounded.