Episode 55 - Home Inspector Pro Updates

Hey everyone,

NACHI.TV just released a new episode:

Episode 55 - Home Inspector Pro Updates
NACHI.TV’s Nick Gromicko is joined again by Dominic Maricic of Home Inspector Pro to let inspectors know about valuable updates and additions to the Home Inspector Pro Software.

Watch this episode now. Reply here to discuss.

Another excellent Service to Nachi Members.

Thanks Dominic and Nick.

Marcel :):smiley:

Dom and Nick


Thanks for mentioning my name on the episode.

HIP is working out great for me!!

I had so many issues before I switched.

The template feature is great. Have one for condos, duplex, detached garage, WDI.

The combination of HIP report, website, credit card and even the upload service has worked out better than I could of ever expected.

I look forward to obtaining training in thermal and Iac2 in the near future.

I also want to thank Nick. I am celebrating my 5 year Nachi anniversary.
The opportunities seem endless with Nachi.
The use of CMI, the message board have helped me along my way.

The education that Nachi provides is unbelievable. I look forward to my IaC2 training that is available.

Nick and Dom always respond and answer my emails.

Thanks for the Pin. I wear it proudly. (Great job Marcel)

Thanks guys!!!