Everyone be here Monday!

HomeGauge has an insane Cyber Monday sale for InterNACHI members only… and it all happens right here.

I’ll be here with my spurs on.

Why make them wait when they can get better for less right now…


Wise man. :wink:

Home Gauge has been around long before the copycats/imitators even knew what a home inspection was.
HG was created by a home inspector.
Think about it.

This deal is for those wanting to upgrade :stuck_out_tongue:

Bob, don’t be a thread gnat, it’s unbecoming :slight_smile: (just messing with you :twisted: )

Two more days, I can’t wait!

I think he secretly works for Russell and his job description is to promote HomeGauge as the choice for inspectors with class. :wink:

You’re a smart man Nick. I think you’re right. (maybe Russell’s the smart guy, lol). It’s all about class with HG :stuck_out_tongue: