Exterior walls on slab on grade foundations

Inspected a house yesterday for 1 year warranty with a slab on grade foundation. Exterior wall framing on front and rear walls are sitting up to 1" over the edge of the slab. So with framing and wall sheathing the wall is out up to 1 1/2". My thought is the foundation guy poured the slab wrong or the framer framed the house wrong. I can’t imagine this is acceptable. My question is should it just be documented and referred to a structural engineer since it passed the building inspection during construction.

If I’m looking at this correctly…
Is the bottom plate completely on the slab?
If yes it is OK, but needs to be sealed.

Picture taken with iPhone against the slab shooting up towards wall. Picture shows Vinyl siding/ wall sheathing / approximately 1" of bottom plate overhanging the edge of the slab. So no the entire bottom plate is not on the slab. This would suggest only 3" of the bottom plate is on the slab. Depending on where the plate is drilled the anchoring bolts may not be 2" in form slab and /or the bottom plate not drilled in center.

What is the clearance between the bottom of the framed wall and the grade? I see a whole lot issues with that setup, and it’s not because the bottom plate overhangs.

Brad, yeah there are several other issues. The clearance above grade is only about 4". The house wrapping is cut off too short. The framing was not sealed. There is exposed rebar on the slab. Etc


Well, look at the bright side…they won’t have to add mulch to their flower beds because the OSB sheathing will do it automatically.

Brad, I’m concerned because this guy brought this house after it was completed. His neighbor built his house using the same builder and had to basically supervise the job him self. They didn’t add the hurricane strapping in some areas and several of the anchor bolts on the bottom plate were loose and/or missing. It passed the framing inspection that way too. The neighbor had to call the lead inspector from the county out and show him what all was missed and all he could say was He didn’t know how his inspector missed all that.