I called out the condenser breaker being oversized in a Federal Pacific Panel. The condenser label plate listed 30 amps and there was a 50 amp breaker installed. At the reinspect a 30 amp Connecticut circuit breaker had been installed. I read that Connecticut breakers have been used to replace breakers in a number of panels including Federal Pacific, Zinsco, Challenger, Murray, and Siemens to name a few. What’s the word on these replacement breakers? I noticed that this circuit breaker was not secured very well to the busbar and had more play than the other Federal Pacific breakers.
What did you say about the panel itself?
Is it a classified breaker?
I called out the Federal Pacific Panel, but the buyer’s agent only requested the condenser breaker be replaced.
I called out the Federal Pacific Panel, but the buyer’s agent only requested the condenser breaker be replaced.
Feder[quote=“lkage, post:3, topic:191571”]
Is it a classified breaker?
I don’t see Federal Pacific panels listed on the replacement circuit breaker charts. Is that your way of saying its not a classified breaker?
That is what Paul Abernathy, an electrical guru, posted for our use years ago. I had another one but my computer has changed the documents locations since beginning to use iCloud. I am not happy about that.
Typically, if it is not the same brand, it is not classified but not always, as you can see from the replacement charts, Gene.
Federal Pacific has enough problems with burning breakers without adding a sloppy fit breaker.
12 circuit panel better off just replacing, no need to inherit a problem.
Absolutely. Recommend the panel be changed especially with the loose fitting breakers.
That double-pole 30 amp breaker probably wont work anyway… looks like both legs are connected to the same phase on the bus. Likewise for the tripped double 30 & what should be a DP 15 amp below that on the opposite side, otherwise the neutral conductor (from that 3-wire circuit) could be badly overloaded depending on circuit loading.
Yes, installer gets the Darwin award for this one was probably the homeowner.
Come on, at least give some credit for the effort. He just did what the inspector wanted: 50 > 30 amp reduction. Nobody said it had to work
The HI should have a before and after photo, no?
Yes, there is likely a before photo. This was a re-inspection and what we see is the “after” photo.
Those panels are fire hazards and the REA IMO is not doing due diligence by not addressing that panel.
Here is what goes in my reports when I see these types of fires waiting to happen.
A Federal Pacific Electric “Stab-Lok” service panel was in use. These panels and breakers are a latent hazard and can fail to trip in response to over current, leading to electrical fires. The breakers may also fail to shut off internally even if the toggle is switched to “off.” Some double-pole (240-Volt) FPE circuit breakers and single-pole FPE Stab-Lok circuit breakers simply do not work safely. There are other panel-defects independent of the breaker problems, panel and panel-bus fires and arcing failures in some equipment. The failure rates for these circuit breakers were and still are significant. In some cases failure to trip occurs 60% of the time - a serious fire and electrical shock hazard. Failures are documented in the CPSC study and by independent research.
On a side note, the breaker in question is probably the safest part of that whole set up.
Well, then it’s not your call if the breaker is right. You recommended the panel be looked at/evaluated/replaced/whatever.
There is zero points in taking on any liability on if the replacement breaker is acceptable or not. I’d pass on making any determination.
Side note, this is why I don’t do re-inspections anymore: Putting a band-aid on an issue without fixing the underlying issue is pointless.
Connecticut Electric breakers post date the panels so they will not be listed for use on the panel. From memory, I believe they are listed for use in a FPE panel.
I agree with Ian. If you already called it out, it’s on the electrician.
call it out again, collect your money
Typical Federal Pacific…looks like the breakers are just dying to fly off the bus bar😂