First One to Name The Concerns, Wins A Prize

I don’t want to give this away to fast. Let’s see if someone responds first

Why would popsicles be on a chimney?

I already guessed everything I can think of that would have caused them. I’m really digging deep here

Flue to large allowing Smoke to cool to much allowing condensate to drip and form Ice cycles

Was it the source oil beforehand. Flue oversize for gas?

Look where the ice is formed and it’s shape. Remember, this is a natural gas heating unit.

No not oil and the flue size is not it.

HE furnace vented into chimney?

Ok so it’s something we can see in this photo?

Yes it is

What you see in the picture will tell you what you can’t see

Oversized flue for the vented appliance, causing cooling of the gases and creating condensation on the spark arrestor and dripping on the chimney wash which will create problems.
Appears to be a 8"x12" flue which is too big for a gas appliance as noted.


It looks like it is being dripped on from above or the flue is too big creating condensation…so, the chimney/vent clearance is inadequate.

Gas appliance flue needs a stainless steel liner!

Right you are!!!

Natural gas burning heating system deteriorated the flue lining. When inspected, I could see water spatter spitting out of the cracks in the chimney cap. PM me your info for the book.

You asked what the problem was, not the remedial correction!

I think Larry and I was on the same page.

Obviously, the correction is a liner to reduce the size of the flue to the manufacturers specification.

Good one thanks I R dumb…


You can send the prize to Roy C (post 24).



The problem is the lack of a liner, which deteriorated the chimney flue. Installing the liner has nothing to do with reducing the size of the flue as a corrective measure, rather protecting against exhaust gas deterioration.

my concern is no access so its one less place i could stuff inside system owners/salespeople.