Just looking for different thoughts on this one. the flex line does penetrate the casing, but the casing comes apart. At the time of the inspection the line was rubbing on the knock out. It has been called out.
That’s all that matters. Appliance connectors are not allowed to pass through the cabinet.
They are here as long as the protective grommet is in place. It rarely is.
Bruce -
What are you asking us?? Flex connectors don’t go through walls, floors, ceilings, partitions, etc. Obviously you know this. Its in your code book; your copy of Code Check; and on the plastic bag they come in at the hardware store. So since you know this, what is it you are really asking us.
Russel - if you researched that a bit, you will find that the manufacturers listing prohibits this practice, even when/if a grommet is used.
To say it’s “allowed” in your area, is to say (simply) that, in your area, no one cares.
Manufacturers listings trump local requirements, unless of course, no one cares.
I know, but I choose not to fight them, only to note such conditions in my report and provide my own recommendations.
There’s still one AHJ out in the boondocks whose using the 1847 codes. I think he is old enough to have been there in that position since that time. He does have some war stories to tell, but I never know if they are Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, or Bush Invasion.
If you can’t find a listing label, here are the applicable codes. . .
California Plumbing Code (CPC)
1212.0 Appliance Connectors (2) No part of such connector shall be concealed within or extended through any wall, floor, partition, or appliance housing.
International Residential Code (IRC)
G2422.1.2 (411.1.2) Appliance fuel connectors. Connectors shall have an overall length not to exceed 3 feet (914 mm), except for range and domestic clothes dryer connectors, which shall not exceed 6 feet (1829 mm) in length. Connectors shall not be concealed within, or extended through, walls, floors, partitions, ceilings or appliance housings. A shutoff valve not less than the nominal size of the connector shall be installed ahead of the connector in accordance with Section G2420.5. Connectors shall be sized to provide the total demand of the connected appliance.
I’ve got the codes, but thanks. However, I’m not a code inspector, preferring to be a generalist, so I leave the code interpretations to the AHJs, even when they (the AHJs) are past their prime.
Or apparently, just don’t care. . .
Did they have forced air furnaces in 1847? :margarit:
Just wanted to see what others thought of the split cabinet. Some of the HVAC guys try to call this a cover and that the rule does not apply. I just laugh at them and say nice try.
What is the reasoning behind appliance fuel connectors not extending into the appliance housing?
Thin walled tubing can chafe / wear through where contacted by the metal cabinet with vibration of the unit when operating.
It looks like someone used galvanized piping, this is not allowed for gas lines. Only black piping. Using flex tubing isn’t correct either for a furnace gas line. Should have rigid piping all the way.
Galvanized and flex piping are much the standard here in the San Diego area.
That’s interesting, in all the plumbing courses I’ve had, it was a no no. Due to the galvanic reaction to the Zinc. I’m told it could peel in time. And flake off. As to flex, maybe it’s better in quake areas.
Bob …
Flex is OK for up to 3’.
The newer code allows for the flex line to go through a metal cabinet as long as there is a grommet. The code was changed because the some manufactures of units are allowing it. The give away if a manufacturer allows this is a factory installed grommet at the cabinet.