Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Certifications in Radon, Codes, MOLD, RE instructor, yadi, yadi, yadi … that I HAVE to attend close to 200 hours of CE each year to maintain these.
That is getting to be more time consuming and costly than its worth AND BORING. My lead and asbestos CE texts and outlines have been the exact same thing for the past 4 years.
Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joe -
Sorry for not replying sooner. I didn't see your post. Shawnee Mission is a Kansas City Suburb. We do HI classes every 2 months. We do specialty classes periodically throughout the year. Rick Shockley, PE is a master electrician and our main electrical instructor. Paul Romer and I are both code certified and back Rick up on electrical if needed - BUT - he is the main electrical instructor.
Rick has done electrical seminars at the local level for NACHI, ASHI and NAHI. He's been a National Speaker for NAHI and ASHI and has taught at local colleges. I think that covers what you asked about.