Foundation Cracks

How would you write up this foundation condition?



Judging from the separated parging at the exterior, it appears that due to the lack of wall reiforcement and the weakening of the concrete wall due to the casting of the window and the pressures of the inbalanced fill, this foundation movement possibly occurred at the time of backfill.

Recommend a reputable foundation Contractor to assess the damage and repairs required.

Judgeing from the amount of dislocation, there most likely is another crack at the exterior to the left of that window that might not be visible.

Hope this helps.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:

I do have more pictures they just all need to be resized to load up. there is 4" of displacement and the outer return wall for the garage door is leaning inward at the base aprox 2". there is a set of concrete stairs that is sinking into the ground on the other side of the wall like the fill underneath it has disapeared.
Ill try to post to post more pictures.

lets try the pictures again



resizestairs south.jpg

Structural failure, Stuctural Enginneer recommended to assess the damage and remedial repairs.
Part of that foundation will need to be removed to correct properly, no easy fix on that one.


Good luck.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:

What is unbelievable is the Realtor said my report was appalling because I stated the same thing.

If that is what you noted, I would stand by it and tell the realestate agent to kiss my you know what.

From the pictures, this is obvious. (to me anyways)

The agent dose not have any grounds to be apalled other than at his own ignorance of the fact.

Good job.

Let me know how it turns out.

Good luck.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:

The first buyer I inspected it for walked! They say they have an engineers report that says it’s OK, but they will not produce it to me. I was requested by another buyer to inspect the same property, when I called the Realtor to confirm an appointment the Realtor and the seller asked the buyer to use another inspector. So they canceled my inspection. I do Inspections for the new buyers Realtor so I will see what happens…The sellers Realtor just got me a little bent out of shape.
I will keep you posted with what transpires.

Buyer education!.. don’t let the seller bully a potential client into hiring an inspector who will knuckle under and overlook serious structural problems or omitt them from the report. Sometimes they won’t listen, but at least you tried!

An update!
The second inspector they had after me found the same issues with the foundation. The customer is repairing the foundation before taking any more offers on the house.

Home Inspectors: 2
Real Estate agent: 0