Free customization with your logo and company name on our popular maintenance book.

You can now order our popular “Now That You’ve Had a Home Inspection” book with your logo and company name.

We can put anything you want on the cover including a photo of you, your inspectors, your inspection vehicle or whatever you like. We’ll provide all the design work for free.

Check out the details of ordering your customized book.

You can completely customize the entire front and back cover so that it looks like your book. Give your clients YOUR book!

When you order, we’ll send you are hard-copy proof.

No extra charge for the customization… still just $2.70/book.

We can also customize and publish them for your local InterNACHI chapter, state association, or inspection franchise. No extra charge.


Is there a hard copy of the “Safe Home Book” available?

Would you be so kind as to show an example of the options for customization?

Describe what you’d like to see on the front cover (your face, your logo, your inspection van, your employees, all of the above) and describe what you’d like to see on the back cover (I’m thinking a version of your inspection brochure describing your qualifications, services, reasons to hire you, website, and phone number)… and I’ll have it designed for you.

Here is a way to use them to quadruple your inspection business: How to Quadruple Your Inspection Business in Two Years - InterNACHI®

This is awesome Nick!

This is awesome.

very nice

Wow Thanks this saves time and money on putting my stickers on it, and looks more professional!

I like the look of the new cover, just playing around with adding logo, etc. to the bottom

Oh… minimum $2700
Makes sense though, wouldn’t be cost efficient for you to do it for my little 40 book purchases.
Nice idea.

I’ll have to stay with attaching my business card at bottom.

The design work is all free and the custom books cost nothing extra. Actually, they don’t cost anything at all.

Close your eyes for a moment. Are your eyes closed? Now imagine 1,000 hard copies your own book that solely promote your inspection business. Imagine all your former clients, when they discover that their friend, son, daughter, brother, neighbor, or co-worker is buying a house saying “I had a great home inspector. I can’t remember his name or number, but tomorrow I’ll bring you a book he gave me. It is still on my book shelf.” Nothing beats that referral.

Now imagine taking a black magic marker and writing “OFFICE COPY-DON’T THROW OUT” on the front and back cover and delivering them to all the real estate offices in your neighborhood. I still got calls from my books 9 years after I handed them out to agents.

Americans delete everything or throw out everything - your brochures, your business cards, even good food… but Americans don’t throw out books. The books act as physical anchors for your contact information. Your own custom inspection book is the marketing gift that keeps on giving.

Now imagine 1,000 of these books in your local market producing inspection jobs for you all day, every day. What’s that worth? Let’s do some conservative math. Let’s say that 1,000 custom inspection books that solely promote your inspection company, in the hands of people (past clients and agents) who would most likely refer you… only generates 50 additional inspections a year for 4 years. Now times 50 X 4 X your average fee. You can open your eyes to find a calculator.

Most (95%) of the programs I’ve come up with for InterNACHI don’t work. So we don’t launch them. You never hear about them. I’m mostly a failure at coming up with ideas that help inspectors. But the few that work… well, they work really well. This is one of the ones that works really well.

That’s great! my customers really love the books and I will really like not putting the stickers on.

No arguments here, you’ve hit the nail squarely on the head.
This great idea unfortunately is not for little sole proprietor me.

Are you thinking about adding the option to the whole kit? Printing logo on the “Inspecting the World” binder also? There’s a lot of room on the top of that binder…

As per the instructions, I wrote the marketing dept about lead times 2 days ago, and haven’t heard back.

Granted, it’s the weekend, but it would impact my decision.

Hi Ian, I emailed you back this morning in response to your questions about the custom books. Let me know if you need anything else!

Great idea. I have been giving the book to inspection clients since last summer. I will definitely customize the books on my next order to replace the label we have been putting on the cover.