Free Palm-Tech Picture Album

Hello Everyone,

A few months ago, I won a daily doorprize for a free Palm-Tech Picture Album ($80 value). I have decided not to use this product, and am offering it to a Nachi Member that will use it.

I have the certificate that is needed to acquire the product. All you need to do is call the number on the certificate, and give them the certificate number.

See the product info here:

If you would like this item, respond here (make sure you are logged in to show you are a member), and I can either scan & email the cert., or snail mail it to you.

Jeff, Not sure how it works. Con you fill me in on this



Freudian slip?



Been a couple months since I spoke with Palm-Tech, and don’t remember much details. Phone number for Palm-Tech is 1-888-736-2462 to get exact info directly, and answere any specific questions you may have.

Sorry I can’t help very much.

Thanks Jeff
Ill give them a call and get back to you


OK Jeff I called And it’s not going to work for me. I have a mac and it needs windows.
Hope somebody else can use it.

Seems like it would be of some help. I think it may speed up the report writing process. If knowone else has already got it I wouldn’t mind giving it a try.

I “won” one several months ago and never received it. I’ll be glad to pass it on if I ever get it.

You know thats just real cool of you to offer this. I don’t need it but though it was cool of you. Greenie!


Same thing happened to me. I tried to contact them but they never responded.:frowning:


Send me a PM with your info, and I’ll email or snail mail the certificate to you.


Thanks. Just trying to help another member (see what you continued) who may have a need for it.



you’ve got mail

Again, I really appreciate it. Thanks.

NACHI helping NACHI it just never gets any better then this.
Been a member of other associations and never saw this great help and giving trading or just general help.
Love you all may it never change .

… Cookie

Says a lot about Jeffrey. There are a lot of people out there that would not do it. Greenies for Jeff :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :o :wink: :cool: :eek:

Back at ya Cookie !!! :smiley:

Patrick, you’re very welcome !!! :smiley:

Patrick…you have Email :smiley: