Fresh air intake code question. HELP QUICK!

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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I have someone who swears that there is some national code that requires a fresh air intake (of some sort) in homes to assure a certain exchange rate of air.

Is this true? I never heard of this. If true, I need a reference for this code for


Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Hi Nick,

There are code requirements for ventilation in both crawlspaces and attics, also in some Canadian provinces there are requirements for mchanical whole house ventilation, but to the best on my knowledge that is it.



Gerry Beaumont
NACHI Education Committee
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NACHI phone 484-429-5466

Inspection Depot Education

"Education is a journey, not a destination"

Originally Posted By: jonofrey
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Of course it’s true. But opening and closing doors counts! icon_lol.gif

Inspection Nirvana!

We're NACHI. Get over it.

Originally Posted By: jonofrey
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IRC 303.1

Inspection Nirvana!

We're NACHI. Get over it.

Originally Posted By: jtedesco
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Article 625 Electric Vechicle Charging System

V. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Locations

625.29 Indoor Sites.

Indoor sites shall include, but not be limited to, integral, attached, and detached residential garages; enclosed and underground parking structures; repair and nonrepair commercial garages; and agricultural buildings.

(D) Ventilation Required.

Where the electric vehicle supply equipment is listed or labeled as suitable for charging electric vehicles that require ventilation for indoor charging and marked in accordance with 625.15(C), mechanical ventilation, such as a fan, shall be provided.

The ventilation shall include both supply and exhaust equipment and shall be permanently installed and located to intake from, and vent directly to, the outdoors.

Positive pressure ventilation systems shall be permitted only in buildings or areas that have been specifically designed and approved for that application.

Mechanical ventilation requirements shall be determined by one of the methods specified in 625.29(D)(1) through (D)(4).

Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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I didn’t read John’s reference to the IRC code however, lack of ventilation in these air tight new homes is a big problem. So I would say no code.

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: dharris
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I believe there is some requirment of properm balance of out side air for energy efficent homes, Code I dont know

Originally Posted By: jbehling
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I believe it is a building code requirement up here (I don’t have my code book in front of me) to provide whole house mechanical ventilation in “tight homes” to provide a “healthy living environment”. All new houses I see today have some sort of HRV.

Originally Posted By: roconnor
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jonofrey wrote:
Of course it's true. But opening and closing doors counts! ![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif)

Windows too ...

The current national model code for homes in the US is the IRC, and as John referenced section R303.1 would only require mechanical ventilation if the area of operable doors, windows, louvers, etc. was less than 4% of the floor area.

Double check state and local codes which may be different, or more restrictive ... try a call to the local building department ...

Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee

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