Garage door opener

This is what Keven was directing you to from one manufacture.
How do I know if the door is well balanced?

You should be able to easily lift the door open with one hand, regardless of its size or the material it is made of. If you notice the door is harder to open, this means that its dead weight is heavier than in the ideal range of 8 to 14 lbs. (4 to 7 kg) because the springs are no longer counterbalancing the door properly. Call a GARAGA-certified installer to correct the situation.

After reading through the postings there is a common recurring theme that surfaces. Lack of knowledge.
Respectfully, you and many others need to obtain a serious understanding of garage door function and operations.

The garage door is one of the most potentially dangerous items in a home. Obtaining serious training and understanding in garage doors is not an easy task.

Your understanding on the Quick Release function is flawed. It is just as the name states, a quick release. Something that can be achieved quickly. Nothing more or less. It releases/disengages the power opener.

I would caution you not to attemp any alteration of the torsion spring. Or even mention the number of rotations for adjustment. If you do not know what you are doing it can kill you. You also seem not to know that doors use extension springs as well as torsion springs. Their operation and function are critical to the correct function of the door. Both have safety devices as part of their installation which are critical.

The balancing of the of the door horizontally as well as the counter balancing of the door weight vertically does require experience to recognize correct adjustments.

The counter balancing of the door weight has a variance across the different manufactures. It is possible to adjust the door so that less than a 2 year old child could raise it.

The neutral balance point, point where the door is static, can be adjusted. Though 3 feet is a common point.

Not jerking your chain, on this topic. It is that so many have so much misinformation regarding garage doors. For something seeming so innocuous there is so much that can be learned. Being able to recite several manufactures installations specification and their installation instructions is only the beginning. There is a lot of physics going on in a garage door operation.