Gas Water Heater Discoloration

These shots are of the water heater, one with the cover on and one with the cover off. The water heater is located in the 2-car garage along with the gas furnace. Cobustion air and venting appear to be adequate. The brown discoloration at the water heater would not wipe off. the propane water heater is 9 years old. The flame looked normal. Is this a cause for concern?



Generally poor drafting Paul, causing flame roll out.

Flame roll-out was my first thought, but there was not soot. Is this type of discoloration typical of flame roll-out? I know about it, but I have never seen it.

Paul…I usually see discoloration like that when the heater just doesn’t have a good draft, the heat from the flame cooks the paint.

Your picture is so clean it almost looks like someone may have tried to clean it…hard to tell, but it is generally associated with the draft.
