Originally Posted By: Gavin Stokes This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi all.
I'd like to get rid of the ugly soft "stucco" coating on a ceiling that contains electric radiant heat. I'd be grateful for any input about the practicality of such a move, what it involves, and what kind of smooth surface I can safely apply.
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think you are referring to a ‘popcorn ceiling’ texture which was sprayed on?
How old is the house? (Asbestos issues with some of the old stuff.)
Newer popcorn can just be scraped off, but I'm not sure I would want to do that with the old stuff (although I have, before I knew what it might have contained). If it is the old stuff, have it tested for asbestos first.
Originally Posted By: Gavin Stokes This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for the response.
The building was built in 1964. Seems to have the sprayed-on "popcorn".
I was worried about the underlying electrical filaments and the potential for damaging them while scraping. And then there's the question of what you can put over these filaments.
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The conductors are either going to be embedded in the ceiling or attached to the upper surface of the ceiling.
Scraping the ceiling will not harm the conductors, drilling or otherwise making a hole through the ceiling could easily cut through a conductor, making the ceiling heater kaput (and possibly energizing whatever cut through it).