I tried to trip 2 outlets today that were GFCI outlets in bathrooms-they just kinda buzzed and didn’t trip. The others in the baths did trip and reset properly.
When I checked the main panel-it had a GCFI breaker installed for bathrooms. That one did work.
So 2 questions…
If the GFCI breaker works-then the baths are protected-correct?
Why would anyone install both?
Thanks for any help on this.
You said the panel did have GFCI breakers installed for bathrooms.
What pops into my mind right away would be the question… are you sure those breakers actually served the receptacles in the bathrooms? That is, did you check? This is one of those times when one of the plug-in ‘traffic light’ receptacle testers with the integrated GFCI test button would come in handy. When plugged into a bathroom receptacle, it would trip the GFCI breaker, if one exists.
Summarily, if the point of use GFCI receptacles are failed, and if there is GFCI protection being otherwise offered by a GFCI breaker, no problem exists. It will be confusing for the future homeowner to sort out if they ever lose power to a bathroom receptacle. They’ll press ‘reset’ and it won’t reset. They likely won’t think to check the panel, since they think they have point of use GFCI protection. No hazard, just possibly confusing for the new owner.
Yes, I did check the outlets after I saw the breaker and…no power. Good-but odd, is what I thought next.
I will point out this info out to clients and hopefully they will remember.
Did the GFCI breaker in the panel that was connected to the GFCI outlet trip when you used you GFCI tester at the outlet? Or did you test the breaker with the breaker’s test button? If the GFCI breaker was wired and operating properly it should have tripped when you used your tester at the outlet, if not then the breaker won’t operate properly in a ground fault situation.
This is true if a grounding conductor is present. Without a grounding conductor, the plug in tester will not trip a gfci breaker or receptacle.