Gas stove, over-the-range microwave, and the dishwasher were all connected to GFCI outlet(s). Thoughts? Recommendations?
No NEC requirement for the protection, but no prohibition either.
The latest code has something about requiring GFCI on dishwashers and disposals I was told by an electrician the other day.
According to the 2008 NEC codes, All outlets above the counter top must be GFI protected. Including the island. No more six foot from sink rule .The Dish, Disposal,Trash Comp and Refrig do not have to be GFI protected. These appliances do need a means of a disconnect for the repairman meaning a cord and plug or a switch in sight or a lock out tag out on the breaker which is a device mounted on the breaker in which a lock can be installed by the repairman in the off position so they can work on the appliance. Rick
Are you saying these appliances were connected to either of the 2 small appliance branch circuits that are GFCI protected or are they on their own circuits and that are also GFCI protected?
The microwave and diswasher were piggybacked off one outlet and the stove was connected to another. I did comment on the lack of dedicated circuits. I was just curious about the setup and wondered if anyone else has ever ran into this, I know I haven’t, hence the post. I really don’t see anything wrong with it, except for nuisance tripping.
Nuisance tripping does not occur much with newer GFCI receptacles.
It is all good.
The dishwasher must have been plugged in outside of it’s space if you viewed it ,so reset is not an issue.
More circuit interrupters = better safety.
Still not clear. Are the outlets these items are “piggybacked off” the outlets that serve the counter tops?
If it is the circuit that services the countertop outlets, it is not allowed. Just about every built in dishwasher calls for a dedicated 15 or 20 amp circuit in the installation instructions. If it is a built in microwave especially an over the range type with the fan, also cannot be on the countertop circuit. Even a regular fan over the range cannot be included on the countertop circuits.
You guys are confusing…lol…
The original poster did not give enough information to expand into the detail we have in this thread…
Can the loads in question be on a GFCI Device…Sure…why not.
If the GFCI in question is part of the small appliance circuit then no except for the gas stove if it is for the ignitor portion.
Now…as for the dishwasher…as long as it is not on the small appliance circuit then the NEC does not care if it is protected by a GFCI and it should still work fine…nope…should not trip.
Now…Rick…the 6’ was a myth when it comes to the kitchen requirement. It has nothing to do with being 6’ in the past…simply saying that all receptacles serving the countertop in a kitchen are required to have GFCI protection…the 6’ was for islands, wet bars and utility sinks when it comes to a dwelling application.
So in closing…if I want to GFCI all my loads then fine as nothing prohibits it. What has to be looked at is what is supplying these loads and that is the most important part of the question…if they are dedicated circuits let say and they happen to put them on GFCI then fine…no problem as the code could care less…but put that dishwasher on with the countertop then we got a NO-NO…and most of the manufacturers of microwaves require a dedicated 20A…s putting the dishwasher on with the microwave would be a NO-NO…and permissible loads woud come into play as well…so just dont do it…
Now…did I make it more confusing then easier to understand…
Paul, the 6 foot rule was not a myth in the 1987 code book. So it was a code at one time and that code stuck in everybody’s head. 210-8.(5) (Guys this is from the past and is not in effect today) All 125-volt single phase 15-20 amp receptacles required by section 210-52(B) installed within 6 feet of the kitchen sink above counter top surfaces shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection for personnel.
I just followed this code up to and including the 1993 code book. It felt really great going through those SMALL codebooks again.
Myth in relation to the relavance of water is what I was trying to say. Not to the sink…My Bad…
Paul, Will you be coming to N.J. for a seminar some day?? Rick
Many gas cooktop manufacturers do not allow their cooktops to be plugged into a GFCI protected circuit.
This is very true Chuck…as long as the contractor or resident shows me this information ( as I wont go hunting for it…lol ) Otherwise I have no problem with it.
Rick…I usually dont come to areas outside of Virginia unless a group brings me in so if you have a chapter and they want some training…just let me know.