Is grounding the electrical system to the steel underground service entry conduit acceptable? 1975 home.
It may be ok…
It makes theoretical sense to me but didn’t know if it violated any standards. Thanks.
Check with local power company.
Seems like an odd setup, do you have any photo’s?
I agree with Robert. How much conduit is actually buried and how deep is it buried?
I think I am seeing a bonding locknut in the back of the panel. I do not think this is using the conduit as the GEC or electrode.
As Jim stated they put a bonding jumper from the screw of the bonding locknut to the neutral bar. It was either improper or not required depending on the KO that the conduit entered into. This has nothing to do with a grounding electrode. In fact I would bet that the conduit with the bonding locknut just comes out of the back of the meter enclosure and never enters the ground.
Fairly common in the 5 boros. I think it’s a Con Ed thing.
What’s a Con Ed thing, the bonding jumper on a bonding locknut or just a bonding jumper in general?
Based on the pictures that is not an underground service entrance conduit that the bond locknut is installed on.
Con Ed (Consolidated Edison) is the local POCO. The use of the conduit as the GEC was fairly common practice years ago.