Help with GE Furnace age

Inspected a GE furnace and Heat pump yesterday and could not figure the exact date of manufacture. Thank’s in advance for any help.
Here is the model and serial# for the furnace:
Model: BLU055F924B1
Serial#: 526707 T14

Heat pump Model# is: BWB724A100A
Serial#: could not determine


I could not find that model number under GE. I found it under TRANE made in 1984 1985 and 1987. You didn’t say if the furnace was gas or electric and I searched in Preston Guide where you find GAS appliances only.

the Heat Pump is coming up manufactured in 1981 and 1982.

That is as near as I could find.

Hi James,

I have Prestons on CD rom and they list that model furnace as being by GE in 1981.



Thank you Rick and Gerry for taking the time to get the info for me.

I am looking for an age on a General Electric Commercial unit.
From what I could read on the deteriorating ID tag was

Model: BTC060D300131
Serial: 483546T41

If anyone has any information on the age of this unit, it would greatly help.


General Electric
Capacity: Last three digits of model number indicate approximate rating in 1000s of Btus
Example: 21TC030A = 2.5 ton
Age: Last three digits of serial number indicate date of manufacture, where the first digit
indicates the year and the second and third indicate the week
Example: xxxxxx241 = 41st week of 1982
This all i could find hope it helps

Daniel look in your Preston Guide; you Carrier Blue Book; or your ???

If you don’t have one - buy one.

Also a little research will probably tell you GE quit making under their name and switched to Trane between 1981-1984.

So you immediately know your unit is Approx 25-30 Yrs old
