Holiday special from Inspection Marketers.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Hello Nick,

From now until December 31, 2004 we are offering the following deals for NACHI members to help everyone get started the right way for their 2005 marketing:

Free set-up on all newsletters ??a $50 savings.
$249 brochure design ? a $50 savings.
Brochure & logo design package for $399 ??a $150 savings.
Order a newsletter and one of the brochure design packages, and we?ll provide 1 month of our On-Call Marketing program for free ??a $50 savings.

Members can email us at with the subject line NACHI Marketing Deal and we?ll forward the order form and instructions.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.