Anyone have any good reading material for doing Home Energy Audits? I am thinking of getting some training/education in doing energy audits but would like to familiarize myself with it before taking any training.
Thanks in advance
Anyone have any good reading material for doing Home Energy Audits? I am thinking of getting some training/education in doing energy audits but would like to familiarize myself with it before taking any training.
Thanks in advance
You can start here.
Thanks Mr.Dapkus
Thanks Linas
Is this what is charged and how it works ?? Ad from Google
Our Step-By-Step Home Energy Audit Process
We look at your house as a whole system, because it is. Our comprehensive home energy audit follows a step-by-step process for maximized results:
Step 1 – Complete home energy audit interview: We sit down with you for a complete interview and discuss the scope of the energy audit. After all, you live the symptoms of your house’s energy use every day.
Step 2 – Visual inspection: We visually inspect your home outside and in, looking for the obvious: window condition, venting, sun exposure, appliance and equipment energy rating, age and condition and insulation levels.
Step 3 – Complete leak check: Our complete leak check is actual several steps, or tests:
a. We use a blower door test to measure total air leakage and isolate problem areas.
b. We focus on combustion safety and gas leaks. About 25% of the homes we audit have some type of combustion issue or leak, either of which represent something needing immediate attention before you invest in tightening up your house or changing duct work.
c. We employ an infrared camera that helps us see issues such as gaps, leaks and duct problems we couldn’t see any other way.
Step 4 – Utility Bill Analysis: We analyze your utility bills, typically over a 12-month period. This gives us a good picture of what’s happening behind the scenes with your home’s energy efficiency. We analyze the results and give you a complete report that details your home’s energy wasters and prioritizes our recommendations so you have a clear roadmap to energy efficiency.
After the Energy Audit
After the energy audit you’ll know what to do, in what order, to achieve your goals.
If you elect to have us do the work, we’ll also come back at no charge and perform a “Test Out,” that repeats all the testing and inspection conducted in the initial energy audit. This verifies the effectiveness of the measures that were taken.
All for only $145 (our regular price: $275). And remember, if you have us do the work, the audit is free (we simply credit the cost of the audit against the cost of the work).
Here’s a list of state energy programs and grants.
The US Department of Energy has free inspection software here
Good stuff, guys…
Thanks guys
Free Energy Audit Class Every Month
Next class is this Friday, Jan 22 at 1pm cst
I suspect with that (low) price you have a high success rate of getting the client to contract with you to do the necessary upfit. :mrgreen: