Home Inspector goes to Tallahassee to discuss Wind Mit Concerns

Brad, I saw the post earlier this week that had some pictures of a very lame attempt at retrofitting straps with screws hanging out all over the place. And the inspector was asking if they were ok.:shock: Also in your area. (Sorry, soon to be our area:mrgreen:) I came home from dinner later that evening and the thread was gone. I can only imagine what was said. I did manage to save the pictures though.

I feel they are really discrediting the profession as well as doing a disservice to their clients.

I’m not going to be “that guy”.

Someone on the other post blamed “this Association” but I don’t agree with that. I find the courses very informative but you can not make anybody understand the content. That is up to them. You can only lead the horse to water.

I think they are just not taking it as serious as they should by not making sure they are prepared before they throw themselves out there.

Ken, you seem to picking this stuff up pretty quick. That other guy though…not so much. That post was taken down because I was “a little too hard on the Beaver” in the emergency forum.:cool: I was only trying to get across that no matter how many nails or screws you put in that connector, it will never be right.

Our wind mit class it the most comprehensive, is the longest, has videos and examples. It is far from perfect, but we have very knowledgeable inspectors that can answer questions. A member can review it at anytime, you can not do that with a live class.

The guys that blame “this association” have a chips on their shoulders and usually are not willing to teach. Some of the greatest things about this org is the constant updating on the message board and the classes you can take from the comfort of your own home.


Funny, I just had a conversation about this very thing with someone! :wink:

SoP for wind mits , 4-points, and education requirements for all who use these forms. Where have I heard that before…oh…it was me…sorry…I must have been thinking out loud again…

Happy Halloween!!!

The InterNACHI course mixed with the forums for asking questions is a great learning tool. I have no idea why someone would try to denegrade this great source of information. If it can be improved on in someone’s opinion, there’s plenty of hours in the day. If not, then let it be.

InterNACHI is a great source of information but many new Inspectors are not using it. They are only looking to do the bare minimum to get that little piece of paper.

I understand the frustration of Inspectors that are hard on new Inspectors. They are very knowledgeable, hardcore Inspectors that worked hard to get where they are. Then along comes some “swingin D” that takes a 120 hr course and somehow manages to pass a fairly easy state exam and BOOM he is a Home Inspector. Then suddenly he finds himself sticking his head into an attic access not knowing where to find the RTW connections and NOW he comes on here to ask. Frankly I’m a little teed off about it myself. If he does not know something as straight forward as RTW connections what else is he missing?

InterNACHI is not to blame for this and more classes will not help them understand the material that is already out there it is up to them to research what they don’t understand. If they are worried about getting their feelings hurt on here well sorry perhaps a career at McDonalds is more suited for them. Besides I know from personal experience that these same Inspectors are not so hard and will help if they know you are still trying to learn and not performing fee paid inspections.

Maybe the state should require ride along’s or apprenticeships to get the hands on experience a new Inspector needs.

Damn…Guy I have not seen talk much tells it straight :slight_smile:

Some of those guys and their associates that are detractors claim they helped write the licensing law.

I agree, FABI now has a mentoring program. HIs should also have a board. To solve the issue with money and organization they could have simply adopted FABI rules(which I was and advocate of and not a member). It would solve the SOP issues, the ethics issues, given us preset boards to handle other issues, including the 1802 and 4 point. How about a simple rule, to preform inspections in Florida, you must be a member in good standing with FABI, no license, no other bull. This way we all follow the same rules and police ourselves. The impossible part is getting other associations to accept it. After belonging to more than one org for more than a year I clearly see the value of belonging to two.

Why should becoming a member of any home inspection organization be a requirement for anything? Didn’t ASHI try that when licensing was first brought up?

Since the SoP are already in effect, simply amend the law to include 4-point inspections using the four areas of the existing State SoP.

Then, all you need to do is come up with an SoP for the wind mits and since it costs 2 million dollars reportedly, to make a new form, either we are going to have to do something with this one or the whole wm program will be scrapped.

I have said previously it will be the latter…I am surprised it hasn’t happened yet.

Ha! How did I do on my first official InterNACHI rant?:smiley:

Done LOTS of reading on this message board and I was amazed at some of the questions being asked by people out there performing paid inspections. Then two questions this past week asked by guys in my immediate area really p****d me off.

I have worked in the construction industry my whole adult life in various trades and even I felt I needed a lot more than a 120 hr course to do it right. But only so much can be done in the classroom hands on experience is needed. And frankly I don’t see how you can do this without an extensive construction background.

A mentoring program and an HI board for the state are great ideas. I considered joining FABI at one time not sure why I didn’t. I know certain non member guests are involved with FABI so I need to check into that.

Simple, we(Florida Home inspectors) would be in control of the the rules and violators.

You can have all the SOPs in the world, if the enforcers do not understand them and do anything about it, then it is a waste of time.

Simple, we(Florida Home inspectors) would be in control of the the rules and violators.

You can have all the SOPs in the world, if the enforcers do not understand them and do anything about it, then it is a waste of time.

No, you would have FABI in control. And, no offence to them, but I wouldn’t want that. Anyway, from what I have heard, a disciplinary board “may” be in the works. And, since we have no enforcement now, maybe in the future we will.

I would rather each guy do whatever he contracts to do for his client.
Break the contract you get sued and lose.
Pretty simple and the STATE GETS NOTHING :slight_smile:

So you would rather someone who doesn’t understand what we do tell what we should and how we should do it.

At least with an ORG you get a vote.

The only way you get a vote with an “org” is if you are a member of said org. That has been proven with this org time and time again.

The SoP is already in place. All they need is a board to enforce it and judging by some of the posts on this message board, there exists a target rich environment.

After talking to a few people “in the know”, I am now going to address this issue…my way.

And what exactly is that, Eric?? I thought you were on a “permanent vacation”.