Hot PIC of InterNACHI/Infrared-Certified booth at Tennessee REALTOR Expo.

Mr Ruffing is one of our Infrared Certified students and as you can
see in the picture, he is using the FLUKE TiR infrared camera (which
is sold to our students at prices lower than even InterNACHI
members can get … and comes with a free InterNACHI membership or
renewal from Inspector Outlet). We help inspectors get into the
IR business with lower prices for training and cameras than anyone
in the USA. The offical InterNACHI INFRARED CERTIFIED logo has
earned respect because of the quality of the inspectors who are doing
such an outstanding job in the field. I have consumers contact me from
all over and tell me they are so glad they used an INFRARED CERTIFIED

Congrats to Mr Ruffing and glad to see your success with thermal
imaging in TN.

We see hundreds of our students with similar stories all over the U.S.
and Canada. Many inspectors are now packaging home inspections
with a combo of inspections, thermal scans and energy evaluations
(and with this much added value, are able to raise their prices considerably).

We have been having LIVE infrared webinars every month for almost
2 years now, and have never canceled one class, even during this slow
market. Interest in thermal imaging has been increasing and market
demand has kept our IR classes surging. Now with the increase
in energy audits and thermal imaging, we are seeing even more
demand. This is why we have created the following FREE tools
for inspectors who want to learn more.

Free Live Energy Audit Webinar Every Month

Free Video (1 hr) “Intro To Energy Audits”

InterNACHI has some major news coming soon about
Energy Audit certifications and gov’t approval.

Thermal imaging has PROVEN itself to lower inspector liability,
find more defects (hidden moisture, electrical hot spots, plumbing
issues, HVAC problems, pest infestations, and energy issues…
etc…). Hundreds of inspector have raised their prices and
developed income streams outside the normal client base and
are working with insurance companies, contractors, lumber
yards and building maintenance companies.

We provide a free video for all of our students and thousands
of consumers have watched it now. You can embed this
video and the INFRARED CERTIFIED logo on your website
at no cost. It will help educate your clients and cause your
phone to ring. It is already working for hundreds right now.

Consumers Guide To Infrared Thermography Video

Since InterNACHI started the INFRARED CERTIFIED designation,
it has exploded accross the home inspector industry. Google
the terms “INFRARED CERTIFIED” Inspector]("infrared certified" inspector - Google Search) and you will find over
6000 listings. Thanks to InterNACHI and all of it’s members
for this success.

Many competing education vendors and IR camera sellers have
asked permission to use the INFRARED LOGO as well. The
respect and market demand has caused them to display this
designation, as it spreads through out the industry.

My hat is off to Nick Gromicko for his genius, once again.
InterNACHI provides more benefits and education to it’s
members than all the other associations combined.

John -

Somebody asked the other day, where they go ON your site to find a INFRARED CERTIFIED inspector in their area.

Having gone through your training and class myself, AND being Certified by your group - I also wondered where to do that at.

I’m in the Kansas City area - Where does a customer looking for an INFRARED CERTIFIED inspector in my area go on your groups web site to find one?

We may start a list in the future. Most people search
for an inspector in their area.

I just added that link to our IR page so people can find
infrared inspectors in each local area.

Due you have a clue when we will be hearing about this new news regarding certifications and the gov’t? I am about to take the leap into thermal imaging after months of research including my market and keep hearing about training and it seems everything is constantly changing. I just want to pay for training that is going to beneficial now and in the long run…any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks :wink:

John -

I went to the Inspector Locator Link and checked out Kansas City where I’m at. It came up with a ton of inspectors - Many of whom don’t belong to NACHI; Almost none that do IR; and I couldn’t find the Infrared Certified notation at all - INCLUDING me.

Same question as before. WHEN or WHERE will potential customers go to find us NOW that we’re INFRARED CERTIFIED

John writes:

The sooner Home Inspectors realize this, the better off they will be!

Thanks John!

Inspector Locator supplies the names and ancillary services that
each member indicates (each person has to update their listing).
After a person finds an inspector who does ‘thermal imaging’,
they can visit their web page to see if they not only do thermal
imaging, but are indeed INFRARED CERTIFIED.

At this point, this is the only system we have in place. Perhaps
Nick will update the system to do more.

Good job Mr Ruffing!!

Where is your CMI logo Mr Ruffing?

Where is your CMI and INFRARED CERTIFIED logo?

I’m not a CMI John!

Here is my Infrared certified logo(s):wink:

You can include the INFRARED CERTIFIED logo too!
It won’t make you look bad :mrgreen:

Can’t you just add a new page to the website that has a list of inspectors with your certified training? Just add the inspectors name, location and other information to the site after each training class, pretty simple. This would probably create much better exposure for your certified inspectors.

The VAST majority of consumers do no go to my site when
looking for an IR inspector. It is mainly the inspectors who
visit my training site. I tried listing people on my site and
got very little traffic from consumers.

When people go to the internet, they look for inspectors based
on location as one of the primary search terms.

You are third in this search in our directory.

I didn’t realize your listing was only on page 2 for “kansas city infrared”. I will get this 3rd listed one “kansas city ks infrared” up to 2nd or 1st and will work on the “kansas city infrared”.

Normally I have no issues getting people up to 1st or 2nd for both city and city/state searches, for some reason kansas city is a little more difficult.



Sorry I am an idiot, I figured out what it was. I will fix it, it normally takes a few weeks to get re-ranked. I only have you listed as a Kansas infrared inspector, not Kansas City Infrared inspector.

Here is the search for “kansas infrared”

You rank third there as well.

I will get all those searches up over the next few weeks.