HOT PICS: Commercial Property Inspection Training Class in Pennsylvania

We recently hosted the Introduction to Commercial Property Inspections Class at the House of Horrors® in Pennsylvania. It was an exceptional group of inspectors! Together, we learned about essential business practices and how to inspect the most common commercial building systems and components.

Next up is Chicago, and we’re already sold out! However, we still have seats available in Dallas, Tampa, Nashville, and Boulder. Register here :arrow_forward: In-Person Classes – Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association


Nice sized class.

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My wife is from Bloomsburg, PA so we made a vacation out of the training week, staying with family in her childhood home just 5 miles from the classroom.
I spent a few days with the best group of inspectors you will ever meet, and a truly fantastic instructor, Rob Claus. As CE courses go, this one was right on point, packed with useful information and case studies from Rob’s career in commercial inspections.
I put that class to use today, my first day back from class, with a 20-unit apartment complex.
I probably shaved 2 hours off my workday with the skills and pro-tips I learned last week. I have a church and a Townhome complex later this week and I can’t wait to get out there and put my new skills to use again.

5-Stars, I highly recommend the CCPIA Training class.


And Bert was present too… :grin:



:rofl: Yeah, it was a party.
I really had a good time and met some great inspectors from the USA and Canada.


Hi Bert!!!


Kim Jungirl,
One day I would love to visit Korea and look at a house with you. Then we can inspect a large table of food together. :hugs:


I’m sure there will be a day like that
I’m looking forward to it very much.
분명 그럴날이 있을거에요
매우 기대됩니다.

I will visit HOH, Pennsylvania in April 2024 (pre-visit alone) and November (Korean team lead)
2024년 4월(혼자 사전방문)과 11월(한국팀과)에 펜실베니아 HOH 방문합니다


너는 좋은 리더야, 친구야. 당신과 한국팀이 있어서 행복해요. :+1:


This thread about commercial property inspections is eye-opening. I never realized how much goes into ensuring a building is safe and up-to-snuff. Learning about things like Standard & Custom Commercial Metal Doors is definitely hitting me between the eyes – there’s a lot to consider!

I’m curious, for experienced inspectors out there, what are some red flags you typically look for during a commercial property inspection? Are there any specific areas that are more prone to problems, or things that most beginners might overlook?

I know the saying goes “you don’t know what you don’t know,” and that feels pretty true for me right now! Any advice for someone who’s just starting out in the commercial inspection world would be greatly appreciated