So I have an idea how much rebar is required for reinforced concrete walls in modern construction, but in reference to the windstorm inspection, how much is required to mark the form as reinforced concrete?
this is a 1969 home by the way.
There is a wind mitigation inspection training class this Thursday in Jacksonville. I would guess that this topic will be discussed at the class. I will make sure to bring up the question at the class. There are still about 5 seats left for anyone who would like to attend. To register, you can go to Bill York’s website at
Find 3 areas…exterior corners…doors…I think 2 corners and 1 door?
Minimum of 2 corners and next to one window or door.
Ahh, I knew that…That is the great thing about this forum, its great to have someone to bounce things off of and keep sharp
It’s not defined by OIR who promulgates the form.
For Citizen’s, it’s rebar every 4-6 feet, in other words, almost everything before 2001 FBC is non-reinforced.
World English Dictionary
**reinforced concrete **— ***n ***concrete with steel bars, mesh, etc, embedded in it to enable it to withstand tensile and shear stresses
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
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Sounds like anything with a tie-beam to me? Form Oir B1 rev 2/10 does not ask anything other than if the wall is reinforced. Not where and how much.
It would seem to me if that is what they want then that is what should be on the form. I does not define it.
I wonder how may of you get the little yellow box to mark on a cut nail or a gun nail from forming or from the galvanized corner bead that you did not notice?
Just another useless question that you cannot be sure off. If it is reinforced or not should be determined by the code at the time and not even listed on the form.
it should say concrete, wood, hay and mud, etc… and may be ask for a description. Example- it is a 2 story house and the second floor is frame and the first floor is block. Percentages are a joke at best. tell them what is there and let the insurance companies figure it out.
Is there even a discount given for reinforced ? I think the clients just pay more if the structure is 30% or more frame.
The generally accepted practice. You can not make everyone happy. Everyone has their own definition and belief.
I agree with this def. The 1802 is asking if there is reinforced concrete. It is not asking what Citizens, york, or/and Einstein think. Be inspectors, think for yourselves
Remember who has put their name on the bottom of the form and the very secure fraud reduction practice of initialling every page.
Boy I bet that has really helped straighten out the crooks. :roll:
Is anyone even silly enough to think that there is any money going to enforce any of this crap?
Do you intial before or after you inspect?:sarcasm:
way wAY WAY BEFORE. IN FACT It is already done.