How to Inspect for Moisture Intrusion Course

Rotten Subfloor in attached picture. Also presence of termites. I haven’t read this in any InterNachi material but was told that termites are attracted to wood with a 90% moisture content. Wood decay and wood destruction by pests is not a good combination

Attached is a picture of a beaver water channeling system installed in a block basement. 1/4 inch weep holes are drilled into the block behind the channel to allow the water to flow into the channel and divert the water to the sump pit.

While inspecting the interior of the gas furnace, there was a small amount of water present on the base pan, indicating a probable leaqk in the condensate drain system. Recommend repair by a qualified mechanical contractor. Dropped my camera and broke it, so no photo available.

Just read the moisture intrusion article. The article contained a lot of useful information that will be helpful in the future.

Enjoyed doing a thorough inspection on my own home. I have quite a honey do list to complete. Found a couple of dangerous items included burnt nuetrals in my main panel and a service mast that is not attached with any support.

Identified severe staining on attic sheathing, with moisture present in areas of the insulation. after further review, Identified no ventilation was present in the attic, Condensation formed on the roofing nails and dripped onto the insulation.

One load of laundry, dispels almost a gallon of water through the ducting. I find that interesting, and concerning.

I have just begun this lesson and looking forward to learning about moisture intrusion

Here is an example of the mold that can accrue due to a bathroom exhaust fan not working.

Mark Price

Do to a rusted bathtub and rusted linking water pipes and broken draining system on the top apertment,the buttom bathroom hand water damage and has to be redone.

Just finished course on “how to inspect moisture intrusion”
the pictures i have taken shows adequate drainage in the rear, however one picture shows area between garage and house that water coming off roof can not drain properly as designed. Water will stand at footers , not draining properly. The home itself is 8 to 12 inches above earth(see picture) gutters on roof with downspout at garage front to drain water to driveway




Getting started now

There was lots of condensation issues from uninsured ducts and pipes that caused the drywall in the ceiling and the floor joists to have mold issues

Here is a picture of a crawlspace without a vapor barrier over the exposed dirt. I would recommend either a mud slab or a vapor retarder barrier

I did an inspection for moisture intrusion per class objectives and here are the observations made:

The crawlspace had exposed dirt on the floor, of which a vapor retarder barrier or mud slab needs to be installed. The ductwork in the crawlspace was insulated and utility penetrations to outside were sealed with foam insulation. For venting a return duct and supply were used. The foundation walls were poured concrete with no signs of moisture present.

I believe the article on moisture intrusion is a nice detailed, informative explanation on how moisture can get into the home. After getting in the home water can cause personal health issues via mold and also damage the structure of a home. Knowing these dangers and how to resolve and locate them is a bonus for both the inspector and occupant.

This is a picture of a wall in a crawlspace; evidence of water intrusion. Notice the efflorescence on the wall. the home was located at the bottom of a hillside.

I did an inspection on a friend’s home. It is a manufactured home and is 17 years old. I did not find any moisture problems with the home however the roof is missing shingles and is at the end of useful life. I recommended that a new roof be installed before water damage could occur

I have just read Efflorescence for Inspectors. It really highlights the importance of proper drainage of the foundation. I did not fully realize about the capillary action and how it increases damage to concrete walls until I read this.

Interesting info did not realize that home inspectors can be hired to oversee the construction process