How to Inspect for Moisture Intrusion Course

The lack of kick-out flashing has caused considerable moisture damage to the exterior wood. Kick-out flashing will evacuate the water away from the exterior surface. This surface has become soft enough for a screwdriver to pierce though easily. The damage on the exterior may be a warning of the damage within the wall structure as well.

On inspection of the attic, you can see that a bathroom exhaust fan has only been vented into the attic space. This should be recommended to be vented to the exterior of the house as it can lead to mold and moisture within the attic space.

The article I’m reviewing is Mold, Moisture and Your Home. I am located in Florida, and our hot, humid climate produces great opportunities for mold. Mold can be hazardous to your health, but at the least, it’s destructive to property and material. It’s important to know, as the article explains, that moisture should be dried within 24-48 hours of it being wetted.

Air Leakage is a major cause of moisture within residential spaces. A 1inch square hole in a wall board can accumulate as much as 30 quarts of water within that cavity. It is important to maintain that seal at all times to prevent moisture build up or accumalation. I read the article on moisture intrusion detection using infrared cameras. I have just ordered my IR camera, and am looking forward to using this knowledge along with my IR Certified course knowledge to help me better inspect for moisture intrusion.

While inspecting this basement wall, I found evidence of efflorescence. I confirmed by tasting it, to the great amusement of my client. This area had a faulty gutter above it, dumping significant water on to a paved driveway which had no drainage.

The home I inspected the back yard sloped towards the home. The down spouts were missing extensions. All three windows on the back of the home had staining from water leaking in under the windows. I recommended installing down spout extensions and have a professional evaluate and install a swale.

I read the article on cisterns. I have not had very much exposure to cisterns, I did not realize they were supposed to be clean every five years.The only ones I have seen were on farms to collect water for the livestock.

Gutters, downspouts, and downspout extensions should all be installed correctly and in a way that efficiently moves water off the roof, away from the siding, and away from the foundation. The downspout in this picture does not have a proper downspout extension installed, and the concrete pad at the bottom is tilted back towards the foundation which will cause water to run directly towards the basement. The grading in this area also appears to have a negative grade towards the home.

Article: Moisture Intrusion
Moisture and water intrusion can cause significant problems inside the home. Moisture can be introduced to the home through leaks in the roof and siding materials, air infiltration, plumbing leaks, diffusion, floods, and human activities. Problems associated with moisture intrusion include wood decay, metal corrosion, and mold and fungus growth. Mold can cause or worsen health problems. Anything a homeowner can do to keep moisture out of the home is recommended.

This is a photo of a hot water heater connection. As I noticed the corrosion by a connector I felt the area and it was damp. After further evaluation a drip was detected from the area. This would be recorded as a defect requiring repair from a licensed contractor.

Negative ground slope was observed along the front of the home. The ground grading did not appear to properly direct water away from the foundation. Further damage and moisture intrusion at the foundation and basement may occur. Recommend grading/drainage correction by a qualified foundation or grading contractor.

French drains are a quick solution to grading and drainage problems where inadequate drainage exist and grading corrections are problematic. Unlike swales, french drains use piping to to move water away from a location. French drain pipes should remain clear and periodically checked for clogging and obstruction.

A ground fault circuit interrupter, or GFCI, is a device used in electrical wiring to disconnect a circuit when unbalanced current is detected. Such an imbalance is sometimes caused by current leaking through a person who is in contact with a ground and an energized part of the circuit. GFCI’s are designed to provide protection in such a situation.

this is a example of a moisture intrusion problem in a basement, as shown the moisture is being passed from the outside soil through the pourous brick. There needs to be a barrier to prevent the moister from coming through the wall and or divert the water from the outside wall of the house.

waterproofing your basement should consist of at least 4 coats of a waterproofing agent. also the oudside must be prepared in a manner which water is diverted from the wall, also the ouside wall can be waterproofed to prevent any seepage into the wall

This picture is from an inspection I did last week and was taken via drone. All of the stab lock flashings had deteriorated around the drain waste vents and was allowing rain water penetration in to the attic and in some cases to the sheetrock ceiling below.

I chose the infrared thermal pictures which showed a couple of ways that the thermal scan can benefit the hoe inspector and prospective buyer. In multiple pictures is shows the overheating taking place in electric panels which is not visible to the naked eye, nor is it safe to be feeling these areas by hand for higher temperatures. It is also illustrating its use to find wet sheetrock that would not otherwise be visible.

AC unit is covered in debris which could cause an issue with over working the AC unit or damaging it. This could create improper ventilation throughout the structure and could cause moisture damage. Debris should be removed and an HVAC specialist should be called to make sure no damage has been done.

Most homes have a lack of insulation near attic ladders which can raise heating/cooling prices. Improper fasteners are also used. They must be compromised of a fire barrier. Common issues are people cut the ladder to short which can cause safety issues.