HVAC vent

This is a new Goodman high efficiency unit. Normally it would be 12 inches above the eaves, 2 feet from anything within 8 feet, I know, but since it is HE it only needs to be at least 1 foot above grade, Because the vent is right on the front porch entry to the house, would you recommend a change in the termination? I did for safety, not manuf. reqs., but thought I would ask the learned here.

It comes out of the little house next to the front window.

They should look similar to this pointed away (exhaust) from the home. Looks like that one is going to cause siding problems.
11-06-2014 Argyle, WI Home Inspection 057.JPG

Is that really a high efficiency vent? I haven’t seen one look like that before.

Looks like they painted it and put a lid on it.:wink:

They actually used PVC until they got to that little house, then switched over to B vent and put a wind cap on top.

BTW, the window next to it does not open.

It should look like the photo I posted and pointing away they are going to have condensation freeze problems on the siding. I don’t understand why they would have switched to a b-vent from PVC, that makes no sense. Did they run fresh air in PVC and where is the pipe for that?

Because you generally see the intake and exhaust together, does not mean they have to be together. The intake is set up in another area (although there is not enough combustion air, as I will note in the report) and is fine. My question is not why they did it that way, my question is do you see a problem?

They do need to terminate together. They need to be in the same pressure zone. For example they need to be on the same side of a roof, or the same side of a house. It needs to be plastic all the way. You’ve described two concerns as far as I can tell.

Kinda where I was going but what the he".< do I know I only live in Wisconsin where 99% of the homes are this way. Unless it is a non-direct vent and the furnace tag will tell you that.

Not too many here. Most of the systems are heat pumps, but I do read a lot :slight_smile:

I’ve seen 1 heat pump, it was 3 yrs ago ;-):wink:

Did it have a gas furnace back up?

Yes it did. You would need it here when temps are at or lower than 10 degrees for close to 3 months

Can’t find this info on the installation instruction for Goodman, however, they do show all venting in close proximity. Will leave that to a qualified contractor.

But it does say that it can not connect to B vent.

And there is no way this installation meets installation instructions for combustion air (which I knew).

So will just report and say it needs to be examined and repaired by a qualified contractor (other than the one that installed it).

Thanks for the opinions.

I would recommend checking with the local AHJ concerning combustion air intake it is allowed by Okla AHJ to be taken within the area of the furnace many times no pipe is connected to the furnace at all.

The B vent is not correct it would have to go

Charley - just did a permit search and the AHJ has nothing to do with it since there was no permit pulled on the furnace. Last permit was in 2011 and the furnace has a manuf. date of 2014 (Jan). Probably just an oversight… I am sure.

Uh huh. There seems to be a lot of that going around. :shock: :roll: #-o ](*,) :-k

It should not matter who installed it if not installed according to local AHJ it would be considered as wrong and in need of repair

I hope this helps, just look at my photo if you need a reference, every home with in 8 blocks of me are installed this way.

The shake over the bottom of the roof jack is wrong as well :slight_smile: