I need Advice

Hello everyone.i have an inspection coming up and not only will the buyer be there ,the selling and buying agent will be there as well.is there anything I need to knows far as sharing info with the agents ?I know the report is for the client only but what about discussions that may come up about any defects.

Good luck We did many inspections with many there , Just try to talk little do your inspection and say sorry but I need my consternation here and will do my report as soon as possible .
All my info will be there for the report owner to use .
Stop say nothing more if necessary…

( All my info will be there for the report owner to use .)

You will have no control over who hears what during your inspection and briefing. I do recommend you speak with your client to ensure they are aware who all will be there and it is up to them to speak with their Agent to control the situation.

You will need to control the briefing/inspection to ensure you are directing your efforts and discussion to the client and ensure that you are not sidetracked by anyone and prevent any potential confrontations.

I had a situation like you describe in the past when I showed up at the inspection. My client had already told me that he, and only he, wanted what I had to say heard by him alone…not his agent and certainly not the seller’s agent.

When I saw what was going on, my client ask the others to leave us alone for the inspection, They said that they were obliged to stay per their ethics. So, I took my client aside and told him that I would whisper in his ear whenever I saw something that I wanted to convey to him. If he had something to ask, I gave him a clipboard, tablet and pen and I read it and whispered back. It didn’t take long for the buyer’s agent to leave and the seller’s agent to go sit in his living room while we were there. It was kind of fun, actually, and my client bought my lunch as we reviewed the findings and pics and chuckled.

I never did find out if he bought the place. And, I didn’t ask him about his agent’s integrity.

I would say the listing agent is present about 10% of all my inspections.

On a high end home, 75% chance the listing agent is there.

“take charge of your life & biz or someone else will”
i now tell clients before the inspection occurs i will review any & all concerns in private once the inspection is completed
if they can’t appreciate & respect that degree of discretion & confidentiality
they’re not my client

“take charge of your life & biz or someone else will”
i tell clients before the inspection occurs i will review any & all concerns in private once the inspection is completed
if they can’t appreciate & respect that degree of discretion & confidentiality
they’re not my client
i’ve seen enough pissing matches from all concerned parties to last a lifetime & decided not to entertain those types any more