Originally Posted By: rfrancis This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
All Welcome up here in Ontario, sorry we do not have the real Mickey Mouse but we have alot of mickey mouses running around and they are not on four legs. Dress warm…sorry no igloo’s but feel free to build one or a snow person if you like.
2. We do not yet have an editable .ca website. We cannot yet edit www.nachi.ca
3. In order to entice an E&O insurance company to give a group discount to NACHI members in Canada, we need to have as many Canadian members in the group as possible. We are close but we still have too few http://www.nachi.org/international.htm
PS If giving away memberships to certain inspectors is advantageous to NACHI for some reason, we do it.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Now I’m almost scared to go. I’ve been getting all kinds of emails. Canadian inspection industry is really political and weird. Some other association up there is totally freaking out because we’re holding this meeting. I’ll wear my bullet proof vest.
PS I was shot once before in the right leg and lived so I guess I can do it again.
Originally Posted By: rfrancis This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The power base up here does not want to share. There are too many hidden agendas. Just throw a snowball at them. You are welcome and so is anyone else that wishes to come. I had a great time at the Northshore meeting and if I could attend more meetings like that it would be well worth the $$$ it takes to get there.
I am about to try some of your marketing ideas, if I get real busy I'll be able to come down more often. But the idea now is to get the meetings up here going and in the future ours will be more like yours.
Email all those that do not like it and tell them hfh##Ur^#@^@#
We are all home inspectors and have to get along and to provide food and shelter for our families......thats the bottom line.
Take Care
-- Bob Francis
Shamrock Home Inspections Inc
Toronto, Ontario Canada