"Indoor Air Quality for Inspectors" course

This is a crawl space of a home I recently did. The entire crawl space was a concrete pad, even though it was a block style foundation. The concrete was extremely dirty and dusty from years of dirt and leaves and no cleaning, and there were several holes in the HVAC system ducts, returns and distribution. I hate to think of the dust and debris particles which this is mixing into the conditioned living space air.

I expect they did not want the warm moist air going into the attic .

Please go to control above left and put in you info thanks… Roy

direct air leakage due to cooling system lines running through foundation



x_ I inspected the insulation in unfinished spaces from:
x readily accessible areas
_____ readily accessible panels
_____ readily accessible doors
_____ readily accessible stairs
missing insulation in approximately 40% of attic space

_____ The insulation in unfinished spaces was not inspected, because it was:
_____ inaccessible
_____ unsafe
_____ not present
_____ not within the scope of the inspection

x_ I inspected the ventilation of unfinished spaces, including attics, crawlspaces and foundation areas.

_____ The ventilation of unfinished spaces was not inspected, because it was:
_____ inaccessible
_____ unsafe
_____ not present
_____ not within the scope of the inspection
_vent ducts not sealed _____________________________________________________________________________________________

_x I inspected the mechanical exhaust systems in the kitchen, bathrooms and laundry area.

_____ The mechanical exhaust systems in the kitchen, bathrooms and laundry area were not inspected, because they were:
_____ inaccessible
_____ unsafe
_____ not present
_____ not within the scope of the inspection
laundry area vent not sealed externally.both bath fans are substandard to provide less than 50CFM__________________________________________________________________________________________


The type of insulation observed can be described as:
_____ fiberglass blanket
x___ blown-in fiberglass
_____ loose-fill fiberglass
_____ mineral rock or slag wool
_____ blown-in cellulose
_____ loose-fill cellulose
_____ spray-foamed or foamed-in-place
_____ structural insulated panel
_____ concrete block insulation
_____ foam board or rigid foam
_____ insulated concrete forms
_____ natural fibers
_____ others

The approximate average depth of insulation observed at the unfinished attic floor area or roof structure:
4inches_______needs improved_____________________________________________________________________________

The approximate average thickness of vertical insulation observed from the unfinished attic area:


x_ I saw evidence of the general absence of insulation or ventilation in unfinished spaces. Correction is needed.

_____ I saw evidence of a material defect. Correction is needed.

x_ I saw evidence of a functional defect. Correction is needed.

_____ I saw evidence of a cosmetic defect.
bath fans need updated,ducts need sealed and insulation to uninsulated areas and possibly increased for better R value_____________________________________________________________________________________________________


Bathroom fan found to be approximate 1/2 the required size. Fan was operating , but had no exhaust ductwork attached to it.


This is a kitchen vent I have encountered, installed in 1956. It appears as though there is excess dust on the outside, as well as being very loud when operating. There is a need for an inspection and cleaning, perhaps replacement as well.

Here is a kitchen exhaust venting to the attic space. To prevent any moisture problems it should be properly attached to vent through the roof.
P1000123 (Small).JPG

Starting IAQ

Bathroom exhaust fan.

P1010150.jpg Picture is from a bathroom exhaust fan.

Found this in a house I was inspecting few months back. Mold was covering the place. It was growing up the basement steps.

Pretty excellent material in this course. Indoor air quality is something that must not be over looked when making a healthy house.

Pictured here is a 20x20 return vent. The cover was mangled up a bit, and was buckled in a couple areas. The vent cover screws were completely stripped, and wouldnt allow a nut to go on, so it just hangs there. You can see one of the worst buckled areas on the picture near my hand.






WE know how to make a tight thermal envelope. With time we will eventually achieve decent IAQ. Big changes ahead ,the public will demand, along with crown moulding , better IAQ.
The attached photo is a 60 amp on demand electric water heater.

317 E. Bridge  St 068.JPG

Hello everyone, hope you’re enjoying the course.

Attached is an image I took of the kitchen fan in a home, as an example of local kitchen ventilation that exhausts directly to the outdoors as a means of controlling the indoor air quality of a home. The fan in question exceeds the minimum standards outlined in the Indoor Air Quality for Inspectors course, with an air flow rate of up to 600 CFM; run at maximum power it produces sound at a level of 6 sones. This kind of fan is effective because it can control indoor air quality from day-to-day activities such as cooking, as well as increase general air quality in the living area of the home when run at its maximum flow rate of 600 CFM.

Hello, hope everyone’s doing well.

I recently inspected the basement and crawlspace of an Ontario home according to the InterNACHI Home Inspection Report Checklist. I witnessed evidence of active water penetration in the back of the crawlspace that the occupants were not aware of. I believe that the source of water is from the surrounding soil, likely through cracks observed in the concrete foundation under the crawlspace, along the outer edge.
This water penetration may contribute to poor indoor air quality issues including mold growth. The cracks may also allow radon-containing soil gases to enter the home. I recommended a short-term radon test in the basement as well as sealing of the cracks in the foundation and the running of dehumidifiers to remove excess moisture from the crawlspace.



Hello everyone,

The first article I chose to read for the assignment portion of the Indoor Air Quality for Inspectors course was “Abrasive Blasting for Mold Remediation” by Nick Gromicko and Ethan Ward.

I appreciated the article’s emphasis on combating mold problems at the source by controlling moisture. I’m a big proponent of fixing problems before they have a chance to develop, as I find preventative measures are usually cheaper and easier than remediation activities.

The article covered two common abrasive blasting methods – using sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda), and using dry ice. Both methods have their advantages. Sodium bicarbonate blasting removes mold while minimizing damage to underlying material, making it an ideal method for  removing mold from wood, pvc, ductwork, etc. Dry-Ice blasting is a great mold remediation method because the removal process utilizes 3 distinct phases, knocking mold off by energy transfer, freezing and causing thermal shock, and gas pressure, which helps strip the mold from the surface.

Thanks for reading,


Hello friends,

The second article I chose to read was “Carpet Mold: Identification, Prevention and Renewal” by Nick Gromicko and Ethan Ward.

Carpets are areas of the home that can really hold onto both moisture and mold spores. Combined with the fact that wood is often found underneath carpeting in homes, which is a common substrate for molds to grow on, carpeting can quickly become a major source of mold spores in the air, and can lead to health effects in the occupants of the home.

Carpeting in rooms with notably high moisture levels, either from flooding, high humidity, or cracks, are at high risk for developing mold problems, underscoring the importance of moisture control when dealing with mold. The article stresses the difficulty involved in cleaning mold from carpeting – oftentimes, the only viable method of remediation is removing and discarding the carpet altogether.

Thanks for your time,


Attic ventilation includes gable, ridge and soffit vents. The ventilation in attic is adequate for the type venting listed
The bathrooms are vented through the attic to the soffit and the laundry vents to the exterior wall.
The vent fans in bath(s) / laundry operated normally when tested.
There is a vertical vent for dryer therefore the lint trap should be swiped every time dryer is used
The heating system consists of a heat pump type, central/split system providing 30,000 BTUs which is located in the attic and serves the main level and bonus room area. The system’s safety controls include a float switch.
The temperature differential of furnace serving the main level and bonus room was 116 degrees from the supply registers and 66 degrees from the return register, which is normal.
The float switch on auxiliary pan under furnace was raised, however the furnace did not shut down
The cooling system consists of a 2.5 ton heat pump type, central/split system and serves the main level and bonus room area. The condensing unit is located outside to the left of the home. The disconnect switch for outside condensing unit is located outside next to unit.
The cooling equipment serving the main level and bonus room was inspected and appeared to be operating normally at time of inspection.
The temperature differential of condensing unit serving the main level and bonus room was 44 degrees from the supply registers and 66 degrees from the return register, which is normal.
HVAC Distribution
There was air flow to all rooms where required where registers were accessible.
Ductwork supports were intact at time of inspection
The air filter(s) were checked and appeared serviceable.
The ductwork insulation was intact at time of inspection

The photo is a bathroom exhaust fan
Image 3-21-15 at 9.20 PM.jpg