Originally Posted By: gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello Nick,
Below is a press release to announce the InspectorLinks.com website to NACHI
members with a 25% discount for our Featured Listings. This discount is
currently only being offered to NACHI members.
InspectorLinks.com is a new national directory of home and property
inspectors with a twist. Listings are FREE and are cross linked into 3
other national real estate related directory websites;
http://www.RealtyLinks.org (real estate agents),
http://www.MortgageLinks.org (mortgage lenders) and
http://www.Feeappraiser.com (appraisers).
The Cross Links work by displaying a home inspector at the top of the search
results page for each of the other websites listed above. If someone is
searching for a real estate agent in San Diego, CA, for example, they get a
list of real estate agents in San Diego and a home inspector listed at the
top of the page from the same county (when there is a home inspector in
InspectorLinks.com listed in that county). Cross Links greatly increase
exposure to real estate related professionals and consumers from within the
same county.
Total traffic to the 4 websites averages over 600,000 hits per month.
We are currently offering a 25% discount on our Featured Listings to all
NACHI members. There is only one residential and one commercial Featured
Listing per county, which is the guaranteed top listing in
InspectorLinks.com, and guaranteed cross links into our other 3 national
directories. Featured Listings are just $10 month with a 3 month minimum or
$100 for 12 months, 2 months free. With the NACHI member discount of 25% the
3 month fee is just $22.50 and a 12 month order is only $75.00 on a first
come first served basis through our on-line order form.
Please visit http://www.InspectorLinks.com to signup for a free listing
today and take advantage of the NACHI 25% discount on the Featured Listings
while many of the top counties are still available.
P. David Rij
7825 Engineer Rd, Ste 201
San Diego, CA 92111
It turned out longer than I hoped but I wanted to briefly explain our
service and offer.
Please let me know if there is any further information you need.
Thank you very much for this opportunity to reach your members.
P. David Rij
7825 Engineer Rd, Ste 201
San Diego, CA 92111