InterNACHI's free Home Energy course approved for real estate agent CE in Michigan.

Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) approves InterNACHI’s free, online Continuing Education (CE) course for real estate professionals (including brokers and salespersons):

This is a great marketing strategy for home inspectors in Michigan. Inspectors can inform Michigan-licensed real estate professionals that they can attain free online Continuing Education (CE) credits by contacting their local InterNACHI home inspector.

Tell them to visit and register for the free online Continuing Education course.

  • All free;
  • All online; and
  • Approved by Michigan LARA.

When a real estate professional logs into the course and enters the InterNACHI member’s ID number, the member will be automatically notified by email.

Free Real Estate Marketing Cards:

Get your free marketing cards from Inspector Outlet.

We want every real estate agent in the world to come to an InterNACHI website to fulfill their continuing education requirements.

I would love to see it here in WV. I gave a RE presentation today, and all were extremely impressed with the way I described NACHI, as opposed to those “other guys”.

They really liked the indemnification, everyone wanted to know more.

If I could get RE ce’s approved here, they’d love me even more!

Tell me how I can help, who to call, etc., and I will do it…

We’ve applied in all 50 states and 7 provinces of Canada. Approvals keep trickling in.

Understood. But remember, this is West Virginia. We are two years behind the rest of the country.

Good news is, if you believe in a rapture, Second Coming, or Armageddon, then hurry to the hills of WV…

You’ll have two years to repent!! :|.)

I have lots of family in Wheeling.