InterNACHI's Pending Home Sales Indicator. May data released

I gotta keep asking, why does this chart have to be so limited? A 5 month chart with no scale is basically useless for making any determinations. It should show 12 months at a minimum and 24 months would be better. Just sayin.

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Because it is all just horse-pucky!! There is no real “science” here, just WAG’s!!
The fact remains, (at least in Minnesota), Home sales are through the roof, and Inspections are in the toilet! There is no way that Nick’s data is even close to being truthful!

Because it is all just horse-pucky!! There is no real “science” here, just WAG’s!!

I don’t know what a “WAG’s!!” is, but it is true that there is no science here. It’s straight up plotted data.

Home sales are through the roof, and Inspections are in the toilet! There is no way that Nick’s data is even close to being truthful!

It’s not an indicator of current sales. It’s the most accurate indicator of pending sales because InterNACHI and only InterNACHI has that data. It’s super accurate and has been for months. We predicted the big recent bump in home sales 45 days before it started. It’s dead on accurate.

Real estate agents don’t mark a home as “sold” until the closing. And the local governments don’t show those transactions on their websites until after that. But closing are typically 30 days after we happen to know the home is being inspected. That’s why Wall Street is clamoring to get it. It’s about 45 days ahead of the only other PHSI… NAR’s.

I can print out any timeline you like. We ran it for years to make sure it was actually predicting PHSs accurately before we began releasing the charts.

Here ya go:

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That is much better, at least for visualizing the longer-term trend that I am most interested in. Thank you.

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