Internet Meeting For Chapter

I am pleased to announce an internet, interactive meeting which John Bowman, Len Ungar and I will be monitoring for those in cyber attendance. we will send out invitations to chapter members shortly, and the event will be totally free.

Once the presentation has concluded, questions from cyber attendees will be answered in order. The system in place is capable of hosting up to 500 cyber attendees. If successful, which we see no reason why it wouldn’t be, we would be hoping to offering 12-18 meetings annually. Free for Chapter members. We will be opening it up further to other interested chaters. If a chapter leader is interested in participating, private email me or email me directly.

Much luck and success. Happy New Year!


Free- Moderators for meeting will be
John Bowman, Jen Unger and Bill Merrell
The On-Line Meeting will be in a power point style which
can be downloaded and retained by the NACHI Member
After the meeting questions will be made on the message center and
will be answered in real time- we can responde to up to 500
particpants in this 1st On-Line Chapter Meeting- FREE!