Plans for our Next On-Line Meeting

Fellow NACHI Members, NACHI National Chapter Members, NY Metro Chapter Members and LI Chapter NACHI Chapter members, as well as any other chapter that wishes to participate.

You are all invited to our next On-Line Chapter Meeting. The meeting is a combination of e-book technology (that does not require any programs on your part to run), video technology, which is already built in to your pc and a discusion forum to allow interactivity between our moderators and those in attendance at the meeting.

Not held at a resturant or a diner, or a seminar hall. Yes it is a real meeting, as fellow NACHI members will attest to. …AND IT IS OFFERED at NO CHARGE to you at all.

Merrell Institute donated all the bandwidth and facilities for the last meeting, and will do the same for this meeting.

Watch over the next week when we set up a specific date and tme for the meeting. John Bowman will be presenting a historical view of the Home Inspection Industry and we will discuss the future of this industry.


There must be a glitch in your message board. A question I posted last week has disappeared.

I see several posts you made including the request for the manuals- Did you receive them? I will e-mail you today.

I did receive the manuals. The post I am referring to was posted in the “Ask Bill Merrill” section and was regarding your opt out policy in your emails. According to the email, if I ask for you to stop sending emails, you would completely remove me from your system, including access to your forum. I thought that was a little harsh so I posted, asking about it.

The day after I posted, I went back to see if you answered. My post was there but it was unanswered. Now it is gone and now I am curious about two things.

**MARK **

**YOUR **



**John Bowman **
**Executive Director **
National Association of Certified Home Inspector’s

Presentation on:

“The History of the Home Inspection Industry and its Future”.

February 19th, 2007

6:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

**TIME: 6:30 P.M. **
DATE: 19 February, 2007
PLACE: On-Line at the Professional Home Inspector Bulletin Board (Pre-registrations are required)

WHO IS INVITED: All Home Inspectors (and other interested individuals, i.e., Realtors, Brokers, etc.)

HOW DOES IT WORK: All participants must either register or have been registered on the link above and sign up under the appropriate thread. Approximately 5 to 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting a link will be provided (via email) for participants to review prior to the meeting. This meeting has been sponsored by The Merrell Institute, The National Home Inspection Technical Institute, The NACHI National “On-Line” Chapter, The NY Metro Chapter, and The Long Island Chapter.

Neil: That may be your impression. You can opt-out of anything. You can join any message board you desire. How can a person opt-out of receiving information and at the same time want to be included in the message board they asked not to receive any notifications about. You do not need to register to the message board to view it.

I privately e-mailed you regarding this. If you are displeased by our policy, then you can e-mail me about it. If you do not want to participate in future mailings, that is your decision.

Thanks John for Posting The meeting information!

Here is a video announcement that I’m playing with. If it’s not showing yet be patient. I just uploaded it.

on the message board system- simply go here for info on the meeting- looks great John!

That’s sweeet John. I wish you the best of luck with the program. Maybe another e is in order.:wink: There.

John- You are a Natural!

It took me a little while to find the email in my trash folder. I get so much spam from nachi vendors. Below is a direct quote from the email I was talking about.


I noticed that you have changed the wording in current emails. Lighten up, all I did was try to ask a question. All you had to do was say something like, “I didn’t mean for it to sound like that” and move on. Why delete my post? Why turn it around and say I misinterpreted your email?


If you wished to discuss this with me, you simply could e-mail me. I e-mailed you. You opted out and that it fine. The thread was not on topic and removed. If you believe the e-mails were spam, as you stated, then you had every right to opt-out. That was and is your decision.

And the policy you quoted is still the policy. Opting out, also opts you out of the same linked message board.


I am sure that I was not the only person that wondered about the opt out policy statement in the email. I went to YOUR board and asked YOU about it in the section called “Ask Bill Merrell (Moderator)”. Mine was the only post in the thread, asking a question in the section of the board devoted to asking you questions. How in the heck is that off topic???

My post was not threatening or demeaning to you in any way. All I did was ask if I read the statement in the email right. Did you really mean it the way it read? Well, you have finally answered. I guess you did mean it that way.


You were the ONLY PERSON to ask about the policy. Others accepted the e-mail or opted-out. You referred to our e-mail in your post as spam.You told us that our policy should not exist since we were relatively new (and you were involved with many message boards) and this policy would cause the board to fail. It was deemed inappropriate, not helpful, nor constructive and removed from the message board. Threatened by your message, no.

I do not know what your reason is to continue talking about your post on this message board? If you don’t want to participate in our message board, Don’t.

I e-mailed you, yet again, you find it necesary to use this public forum. I am responding since you find it necessary to post your displeasure here. You explained yourself. Your message was not appropriate and it was removed. Anyone can opt-out of the message board.

You already received the Free PDF Manuals, as promised.
Do you still wish to be in the Home Inspection Yellowpages for FREE?
Do you wish to remain in our message board for FREE?
Please let me know in a private e-mail. Thank you.

Now Back On Track- Sign Up For John’s Presentation On-Line Meeting 2-19-07 @ 6:30pm est

Honestly, I had no intention of this going this far. You can stop it as soon as you stop posting untruths.

I am surprised but not shocked.

Read everything I have written again. I have never called your emails spam. I may have insinuated that by saying I had to look for it in my deleted mail folder, which is where all the vendor spam goes automatically (I get a lot of it being a member of nachi). I may also have insinuated it in my post on your board when I interpreted your policy statement as “accept our spam or go away” (I can’t remember the exact wording, you deleted it)

Another lie. Go back and study

It’s your board. Censor what you want. My fault for thinking that the “Ask Bill Merrell” section is the place to ask you questions.

I continue because you either twisting what I have said or just out and out lying. It’s kind of frustrating to you that you cannot just delete it and ignore me, isn’t it?

I wanted to, I really did. I was really hoping that your board would succeed. In a way, I still hope that it does. Sadly, I will not be there to see it.

Rather than any further contact with you, I will make sure that we have no further dealings on my web sites, domains and message boards.

Much luck and success. You information has been removed from my system, to make sure you are not bothered by what you referred to as “spam”. You may not have remembered, however that was part of the thread which was removed from my message board.

And yes, your message on my board used the word “spam” about the e-mails you received. Sorry, but that is the truth.

Now Back On Track AGAIN!- Sign Up For John’s Presentation On-Line Meeting 2-19-07 @ 6:30pm est

The meeting is tonight. Hope to see you there.