IR training options

I have saved up enough to get my Level I and these are the companies and prices I’ve found:

Infraspection - $1695 + $350 Distance Test Fee
AIRT - ???
Snell - $1865 - $995

I have to do it through distance training, life right now won’t allow for an extended absence from family. That $995 is tempting with five children to feed. I’ve looked at all of their info and they all list the same course material and use the same ASNT source for that material. I know some schools have a recognizable name and reputation, but there are are a lot of inspectors on here who use IR but they don’t indicate where they got their training. They had to go somewhere. Are there other schools I can consider? Who do I go with and why?

I’m not asking anyone to make my decision for me, I just hope to get feedback from multiple training backgrounds.

I did my Building Science and level I through ITC but I live an hour and a half away from Flir’s headquater’s and ITC.

I know a lot of guys who have done the distance training through Infraspection and have nothing but good things to say.

My thought is, this is a long career path, lifetime for me, so I would stick with the top three who are recognized throughout the industry.

Hi Cameron,

You could take the Level One Infraspection distant learning course online, then take the test at their IR Seminar their having in New Orleans in January free. This way you don’t pay to have someone to proctor the test online.

Infraspection sends you all the course material in the mail…the same material is online too, then take the test at their IR Convention…which I wouldn’t miss for anything in the world, the information available at Infraspection Conferences in unbelievable…!!

Experts from all over the world discussing thermography and all the different applications available to earn money.

This is an “Option”

I went through Snell Group. They travel around to different areas if you don’t want to do the distance online course.


The difference between all training providers is dramatic. I’ve seen Snell’s level I course, and I’ve seen Infraspection Level I course… The Snell binder is 1/2 the size of Infraspection (if not smaller).

Just like home inspections… cost alone should not play a factor in your decision.

Cameron I caught my Level one in Denver 10 hour drive caught level two in Dallas 5 hour drive ITC holds the courses through out the US.

Infraspection in my opinion can not be beat on site or on line. If you plan to expand IR into a full blown business you really need to train with the best the price of your education is simply the price of doing business serious business.

I made enough money last year in one month to pay for my Flir T360 but it took me a while to get there. No instant gratification it takes money and time.

BTW if you have 5 children you need to figure out what is causing that

The IR photos showed a hot region which has since been surgically cooled by a qualified specialist. :mrgreen:

You crack me up Charlie. :slight_smile:

It is good to hear all this, I’m not one to go cheap but this is a big leap into a somewhat unknown area, so it helps to hear everyone’s experience. The more the merrier.

+1 thanks to the above–I have the camera but need the training and am in the same position–I don’t want to pass up 4 days of work and be away from home for $2000 in mediocre training. I was really hoping for some quality distance education that was flexible in completion time…

I’m leaning heavily towards ITC as I have also heard that the snell level 1 is pretty remedial stuff…

Infraspection has my vote, combined with InterNACHI’s Moisture Intrusion course.

That’s the perfect combo IMHO.

Stuart - Several friends have done the Snell and tout it more than ITC.

One other thing … The Flir / ITC Certification is only good for 2-3 yrs.

Check on Snell & Intraspection to see how long theirs is good for. It can be a real costly bite to keep doing that kind of stuff.

Cam, I can only talk about the one school I used and that was Infraspection. I was in your situation, I couldn’t leave the family at that particular time. Their online level one was good, full of info and the binder is exactly what’s in the video + exercises to do on your own if you already own a camera (although it is not needed to take the course and pass the test).
Dan: Infraspection certifications are for life

Like Certified Master Inspector… lifetime designation. Another reason to go with Infraspection.

I think Infraspection is the oldest Thermography school in the nation, I could be wrong, but I believe this is fact.

I’ve known Jim Seffrin personally for years, I have attended three of their IR/Info Conventions in the past and will be at IR/Info in New Orleans this coming January. As will many of my friends in the same business.

Jim is one of the most knowledgeable men involved in thermal imaging than any person I’ve yet to meet, I have also met his family, all very very nice people.

Jim is a kind man who puts you before anything, probably one of the most courteous, caring, no-nonsense men a person could ever meet.

Jim will answer your phone calls-emails, nobody is above another, Jim has helped me create a successful thermal imaging company and I’m thankful, personally I wouldn’t take a course from any other provider. Infraspection education is some of the finest available.

Cameron, Best of luck to you, regardless of your choices for education.

Thanks Dale, I’m pretty much settled on infraspection, that lifetime certification is worth the extra it might cost.

Ah, c’mon Cam. Pack up the whole family in the Studebaker and head to Philly. Cheese steaks everyday. :wink:

The food is phenomenal at the Mount Laurel campus.

Cameron, ITC is the place to go. Plus if you take an on line course, you get a couple hundred off the training. You mentioned other inspectors not stating where they got their training from. I have my ITC credentials posted all over my website and business cards. It’s nice to stand out from the others.

I did my Level-I at ITC and it was good. I did my Level-II at Infraspection, largely due to Jim Seffrin’s willingness to reach out and provide coaching and advice here, while asking nothing in return.

For my Level-III, I could have gone to either Infraspection or ITC. I chose Infraspection because of the quality of the experience and the relationships built with the Infraspection team.

Infraspection Institute is the oldest independent thermography training company. They did not start out as camera manufacturers, but as actual working Thermographers and have vast experience performing field work. They know what it’s like to earn your living by marketing and performing thermography services for paying clients.

Yea Right!

You must have missed that part of the class (trying to get your camera out of the packing material and not getting support in how to turn the thing on)!

Look on Page 2-5 of your training manual and quit being a dumb *** posting BS off the top of your head.

“Costly to keep up with that stuff”? Did you miss the part on “CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS”??!! They give you 5 yrs to advance yourself (which I guess you don’t have the resources for). This can be done by the work you have done and papers you write, or by taking that level over or move on to the next level.

The natural progression of things for most folks…

30% of my Lvl II class was there for re-cert.
Don’t you think a few things may have changed in the 5 years you “Owned” your camera that could be helpful?

I guess you just are concerned about showing up to class with a Fluke camera! Dan, take my word for it, they don’t care what camera you have…