Two traps… separate fixtures… same outlet…
I have read a few forms where this is and isn’t a defect. As a new inspector I am confused. I live in Oklahoma. Also not sure how or where to look up plumbing code? Any tips on that?
This is on my rental home. And not a paid inspection.
Easy way to tell is that the disposer waste goes through two traps in series as opposed to separate traps for each sink. Siphonage would occur and empty the disposal trap when the right sink drained quickly.
"At time of the inspection the (Location) sink drain assembly was improperly installed using a double P trap configuration. A double P trap is when two plumbing traps are on the same drain line, one right after the other. When drain lines are double trapped this condition can create air between the two traps and cause unnecessary restriction of flow and the increased potential for stoppages and leaks. Recommend corrective repair as necessary for proper drainage needs from a qualified contractor. "
Was there a high loop for the dishwasher drain line? It doesn’t appear so as there is a discoloration in the drain line. Depending on dishwasher type and your jurisdiction I use something like this
“There was no visible dishwasher air gap fitting pipe or an approved high loop that are used to assist with proper drainage of water from dishwasher. An air gap fitting or proper high loop is designed to prevent contaminated drain water from the sink backing up into the dishwasher. Noted there are some newer high-end dishwashers with a check valve or a high loop pre-installed on them, but this could not be confirmed for the currently installed dishwasher. Recommend corrective repair as necessary from a qualified contractor or appliance specialist in accordance with current standards.”