Kitchen sink not vented

Anybody familiar with what’s going on here? This is under a kitchen sink in an island. I expected to see a studor vent but instead I got this arrangement which doesn’t look vented at all. Thoughts?

Look up “island” or “loop” venting.


I don’t think it’s supposed to “Y” back into the drain below the trap. That looks different than the ones I’ve seen in the past and the diagrams. It also doesn’t extend high enough. Looks like a (poor) attempt at a loop vent.


Island plumbing


Did it drain okay?

I always fill the sinks about half way up and then drain the DW and turn on the disposal, if these appliances are present, at the same time.

As Matt pointed out, it doesn’t look right and it certainly doesn’t match the pictures posted above of a loop vent.

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Thanks guys for the responses. Yes, it did drain ok but it does not look like those diagrams. Jeff’s diagrams that show under the floor are interesting because in my pic only one pipe goes through the floor. In the crawl, it connected directly to a 2" line that fed quickly into a trunk line.

Yeah, that’s a failed attempt at an island vent.
The T at the trap arm is also improper. That’s a vent T, not a sanT.

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Call it out. It is clearly not a proper loop vent.
The revent pipe must be ‘at least 6-inches above the flood rim of the sink’ or other plumbing fixture being vented. It is clearly below the bottom of the sink.

Easy fix mind you. Requires an AAV and some DWV modifications…

Thanks Daniel. Good catch on the T. I didn’t notice that earlier

Thanks Robert. I did call it out. We have a call scheduled for tomorrow so I’ll make sure they know it’s not a difficult fix. Appreciate your help!

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Morning, Scott.
Hope this post finds you well.
My pleasure.

Honestly, I had to look twice at that drain waste vent loop. It was a short loop on a single DWV line. That was the main plumbing drain issue for me. I thought, 1 DWV pipe? Hmm…That can’t be right.
Typically you want to see the sink high looped, on 2 parallel drain waste vent plumbing pipes.

An air admittance valve will do the trick. Simple fix.

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