Looking for E&O insurance in Quebec.

Dear friends of interNACHI.


See thread at: http://www.nachi.org/forum/f52/canadian-e-and-o-insurance-company-40510/

I use Hub International myself but never had any claims…touch wood!

Thanks, Marcel.
I have sent forms to Hub, and am waiting for their response.


I’m always at your service. HUB is a great source of E&O and their prices are reasonable. I’m currently working on getting “pay per inspection” insurance with a carrier in Canada.


Be warned of the following:

  1. you are required to report to HUB any potential claims, ie a letter from a disgruntled client or their lawyer
  2. even if the claim is frivolent with no proof of liability - HUB will consider this a potential claim and raise your rates upon renewal!

This happened to me, HUB sent an engineer to review the property and the claim, the engineer advised the client was trying to get big bucks with no supporting evidence of negligence.

Still HUB then raised my premiums by 30% because they said there is an outstanding claim.

I called my lawyer and asked him to sue the client for unsubstantiated claims causing my insurance to rise and tell them to sue or drop the claim. He said you can not sue and not force their hand. So this letter will stay on my file and my rates will be 30% higher.

Insurance companies are not user friendly nor do they use common sense, but they are happy to take your money.

The insurance for home inspectors in Quebec is no longer a monopoly.

I hear Hub offers a good package, pricing is individual,depends on many criteria.

NACHI is the best place of reference and NACHI’s good reputation is growing more and more with the OACIQ which is based in Brossard Quebec.

Remember that all your satisfied clients will refer you.

I thought I would share this as this clarification that can be found on the AIBQ one of many inspectors associations in Quebec’s web site:

« Members of the AIBQ having the title of certified inspector, inspector and the candidate members having successfully completed the AIBQ exams wishing to use the title of candidate members of the AIBQ undertake, at their accession to the AIBQ, to hold an insurance policy (errors and omissions) and to maintain this coverage or be subject to the suspension and revocation of all AIBQ membership privileges.»

However, the AIBQ cannot guaranty that its members meet their obligations to maintain valid insurance coverage for errors and omissions and recommends that every client who conducts business with one of its members verify that the chosen inspector has the proper insurance coverage. The AIBQ cannot be held responsible if one of its members defaults on obtaining or maintaining valid insurance coverage. Keeping with the same train of thought, the AIBQ is not authorized to disclose the name of the insurer of its members to the public. However, the AIBQ recommends that if this information is required by the buyer, he or she should contact the member directly prior to hiring.

« Les membres de l’AIBQ ayant le titre d’inspecteur et d’inspecteur agréé, ainsi que les membres candidats ayant réussi les examens de l’AIBQ et désirant utiliser le titre de membre candidat de l’AIBQ s’engagent, lors de leur adhésion à l’AIBQ, à être titulaire d’une police d’assurance erreurs et omissions et à maintenir cette couverture en place, sous peine de suspension et de révocation des privilèges rattachés à l’adhésion à l’AIBQ.

Toutefois l’AIBQ ne peut en aucun cas garantir que ses membres rencontrent leurs obligations en ce qui a trait au maintien d’une assurance erreurs et omissions et recommande à toute personne faisant affaires avec un membre de l’AIBQ de vérifier auprès de ce dernier qu’il est bel et bien titulaire d’une police d’assurance erreurs et omissions. L’AIBQ ne pourra en aucun cas être tenue responsable du défaut d’un de ses membres d’obtenir ou de maintenir en place une police d’assurance erreurs et omissions. Dans un même ordre d’idées, l’AIBQ n’est pas autorisée à dévoiler au public l’identité des assureurs de ses membres et elle recommande à toute personne désirant obtenir ce genre d’information de s’en enquérir directement auprès du membre de l’AIBQ avec lequel elle fait affaires ou désir faire affaires.)

Just got a quotation from HUB Oakville Ontario, these guys just increased their rates from $2600.00 a year to $4600.00 a year for the smallest package!
Their business must be booming, they are gauging!
Does anyone have any other leads for E&O insurance???

I’m working on something…but I can’t go faster…


Sounds like you have made a claim based on that price! That is about a 40% increase. Ontarioachi has scoured the market for insurance providers in Ontario. JMO but definitely a monopoly that this government has helped create. Remember to compare apples to apples on you coverage…you might get a better rate somewhere else, but you might not get the coverage you need. It seems to be all about what is defensible and what is not.

As well as being an Internachi member, join Ontarioachi we have an agreement in place with Hub for the best rates/coverage possible but it is based on each individuals experience, qualifications…claims! Remember if you change insurance carriers those past home inspections…are not covered!
Maybe time to get the Ombudsman involved.
Just sayin!

I think you meant ‘gouging’!

Why not they just got a green light to charge what ever they want with the Government panel on licensing in the Province of Ontario

I think once again it is time for some action on all Home Inspectors against this. I can see a small increase but man if that is what they think they can do it is time to give them the boot. Funny how that works and spreads really fast, right Bryce.

You can get every home inspector in the world to write, ***** and complain and it will do NOTHING!

The error happened with the panel “consensus”! It was a mistake and who in their right mind would include the insurance company to be a panel member? But wait we are talking government so I guess ‘right mind’ is an oxymoron!

I,m out of here to do an inspection while I am still free to do one without being gouged by the powers that be!

Just saying, but Quebec is reported to have the highest number of claims against home inspectors than any other province. A large part of it is based on the differences in law and consumer expectations.

This is nothing new, in fact it’s largely been an ongoing issue for almost a decade there!

There have been very few programs available to help the home inspectors. However the association ANIEB has worked closely with an insurer in that regards. This includes the necessity to successfully complete an examination process in order to attain the insurance.

So when insurance is pooled together, and their number crunchers do their analysis and the ROI is calculated, there’s likely not enough profit left to maintain lower rates.

I know why also! It is all about control of the education they can achieve.

Very interesting Claude.
Can you show me some statistics please.

If so whom are those homies and what association do they belong to?
Please shed some light on the subject and save me from my competitor.

Claude, Its not you in front of the RBQ making nonsense statements like this is it?

Now you say it is OK for real estate agents to refer home inspectors.
Lets look at this deeper, shale we?
Then you can teach your students what you learnt.
Remember, the highest form of honor is to teach :roll:

I watched a news special as a Quebec news media outlet proceeded with a clandestine home inspection.
Every one was on camera.
NOTE: Inspectors from several home inspection associations represented.

You viewed it I hope.:slight_smile:

Seems like the cheapest errors and omissions insurance program goes to the most deficient association.
MY MY Claude!!!

You know which one Claude.
Do you know why their HUB international E&O is so cheep Claude?

You still think referrals are OK, or do you not Claude?

Wrong in this case Kevin, they have no and never had education.

They are a middle man for brokers referrals.
If the media work harder they will find out much more about its creation / creator I am told.

Robert you just contradicted yourself and did not even know.
You clearly say they have no education and never had education.

They might have at one time.
The educator my have pulled out.

Going back 2 years I heard you are referred educators and write a test, an exam.
When they pass they are xxxx association home inspectors

Recently I have had 2 members shadow me on several home inspections.
We did not discus the association in great detail.
They acquired their education through CD and Vanier Collage and have aspirations of becoming independent home inspectors.
I wish them the best of luck and open my doors to anyone wishing to shadow me.

Let me say this about ANIEB Claude, I have heard very little about the association. That means to me they are doing a good job.

To me HUB International last straw started when other members started speculating incorrectly about HUB in Quebec and seeking out other insurance providers and trying to get a cheaper rate so that could be used as a marketing issue for their association.

I can not get over how some think it is their business to tell Insurance companies what their rates should be!

I ran my restoration company and followed government protocol. My men were insured and I paid a hefty fee for CSST.
Yet some ungrateful Inspectors believe $2,000 or even $3,000 is allot of money.
Give me a break!!!

I think business regulations are required.
Why do so many want to be and Home Inspectors?
Because courses can be had for $400.00, and there are no business regulations.
Enough with the licensing!!!

The short coming is business regulations.
Stop running to every government agency telling them how YOU think the industry should be run by licensing inspectors.

Do the industry a favor and hold consultations and be transparent.

My idea for controlling and herding they stray cats::
Business regulations.
Home inspection business mandated under certain provincial and federal sections & subsections of the commercial construction & commercial business acts.
The RBQ would be an oversight booby.
A conduit for AHJ,
Levee fines
Vehicle signage
Vehicle commercial license plates
Vehicles commercially registered
Errors and omissions + liability insurance
Businesses would REGISTER through the RBQ
Sub contracting / subcontractors / Franchises would require all the same requirments.
Anyone involved in the report, writing or inspecting, places their name on the report and is liable for its contents.

That would be a start.