Looking for help in North Florida

Hello! I’ve nearly completed the 120 hour online courses and I am currently in the process of trying to find somebody local that could potentially mentor me or just simply provide me with some guidance. I am looking for someone who can provide me with some exam prep help as it has come highly recommended and I don’t necessarily need to take the whole course with a licensing company. I am in the Saint Augustine area in North Florida and any help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks! Zach

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Welcome to our forum, Zachary!..Enjoy participating. :smile:

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Zachary, contact some CMIs or CPIs within 40 to 50 miles, or closer, to your area and communicate with them. Maybe one, or more, will help you. Some inspectors feel as though they are training their competition by ride-alongs or mentoring or hiring.

Here is the link for CMIs: Find a Certified Master Inspector®

And the link for CPIs: Find Certified Home Inspectors Near You - InterNACHI®

And Mentors: Home Inspector Mentoring - InterNACHI® and https://www.nachi.org/my/mentoring

Also, you may want to take advantage of your Education Team at education@internachi.org for specific questions e.g. https://www.nachi.org/become-home-inspector.htm and https://www.nachi.org/masterclass.htm .

And there is the https://www.nachi.org/howto.htm for many other things. And the InterNACHI online education page: How do I navigate the InterNACHI online education page? | InterNACHI FAQ


Thank you so much for your help Larry!

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