Originally Posted By: tmorrow This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have recently done a few MH Inspections with roofover’s (one roof built about 1-3 feet over the manufactured roof) All have had some sort of vent at the top part of the roof, eyebrow, turbine etc… but no soffit vents. I have looked at the HUD requirements and I either am not seeing it or its not covered under HUD as it is site built. I have been calling it out using standard building codes for venting but I see so many I am now questioning myself.
To make a short story long every single roof I see out here has no soffit vents but does have turbine, eyebrow, gable end vents
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Tim,
I think there are several issues with the roofing and venting system that you are describing, firstly to answer your original question I would consider any roofing systems that had only a ridge vent (which must be considered an exhaust outlet) and no soffit or gable vents (which would be considered the air intake) to be deficient.
Personally I would also be concerned about the addition of a secondary roof structure built over a manufacture home, as by definition manufactured housing is a fully engineered product. Therefore any additions or modifications should be completed in accordance with the manufacturer specifications or stamped engineering plans.
This would be critical in areas of seismic activity such as yours, all high wind areas like those in most of the Southern states.
Originally Posted By: tmorrow This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I had made a comment on that fact regarding load capacity of structure and permit of the roof installation. The roof is installed in such a way for me I could not determine the type of roof (roofover or Ramada) and would be beyond the scope of the inspection since it was not visible from underneath or through the siding/skirting, I am leaning toward Roofover though. All excellent points. I guess if I was to have kept it simple like intake, exhaust? This would be a non issue.