Here is the resommend verbiage for manufactured stone issues that are from the NC HI board website at
Do you see anything wrong with it?
Recommended language for comments related to incorrect installation of artificial stone siding.
Approved by Standards of Practice/Rules/Interpretations Committee 10/30/09
Submitted for Board consideration at Regular Meeting 11/20/09
In recent years artificial stone has been used with increased frequency on the exteriors of buildings. In many cases the installation has been found to be improper and not in compliance with the installation instructions of the stone manufacturers. Incorrect installation can result in water penetration, structural damage, and mold growth. The following language is recommended for use by home inspectors with regard to incorrectly installed artificial stone siding. The bulleted items should be used as deemed appropriate for the building inspected.
Recommended Language:
Manufactured stone veneer has been installed on the (list areas) of this house. An inspection of the visible components has revealed that the stone veneer has not been installed in compliance with installation guidelines provided by the Masonry Veneer Manufacturer’s Association (MVMA). A PDF copy of the installation guidelines is available at
Specific problems noted with the visible components include, but may not be limited to: (list all that apply) Weep screeds are missing at the base of the wood frame walls. Weep screeds are missing at the tops of window and door openings. There is no caulk between other materials and the masonry veneer at windows, doors, and adjacent trim. The masonry veneer is in contact with the ground. The masonry veneer is in contact with paved surfaces. The masonry veneer is in contact with roofing materials. Kick-out flashings are missing where roof eaves meet the masonry veneer. Metal lath is visible between stones, indicating that the proper base coats of mortar were not applied prior to installation of the stone.
The lack of proper detailing and flashing may result in water penetration behind the siding, resulting in structural damage. The installation of the manufactured stone veneer should be evaluated, compared to the specific installation requirements of the stone manufacturer and the MVMA, and repaired or replaced as deemed necessary by a licensed general contractor or masonry contractor experienced with installation requirements for manufactured stone veneer.
Please note that because the water resistive barrier , metal lath, and base coat(s) of cement stucco are completely concealed behind the manufactured stone veneer, they cannot be evaluated by a visual inspection.