Master Inspector?

Nick, the next time you have a sale going on, let me know…:stuck_out_tongue:

Then again, I guess**there is a way around the trademark issue** for those that wish to take advantage of it. Not sure if it be the best thing for your business…:wink:

That is really funny, their probably making a killing too.

OK, I’ll be the first Dumb Certified Master Inspector…

As of today Nick, he still has Master Inspector on his website. Was he given 30 days to comply?

And you have fans…this is America everyone has fans, to include Hitler, Jefferey Dahmer, and Jack the Ripper!:smiley:

Our profession is in its infancy, and has much to do and grow. Some say we are going to be a $99 an inspection profession. I think just the opposite. I can see it being $1,000 an inspection. But that is entirely in our hands at this point and time. Give people a product worth $1000 they will pay it. Give them a product worth $99 and they will pay that too.

The public is going to demand more to get paid more, its that simple. They will want more accountability, more liability, and more professionalism. It is up to us to deliver or be sunk.

WOW …You certainly have become quite the A-hole.
Comparing me to Hitler,did you tie one on and think while having a coffee this morning {let me insult the guy in Chicago} out of the blue.

Around here having stupid marketing tricks and not delivering a real “Home Inspection Report” will not get you far but then this is Chicago and not {Retirement city Florida} where one can take advantage of the old and infirm like a door to door Contractor and come to think of it many Inspectors in Florida just happen to be Contractors that do take advantage of older retired folk.

Go ahead Russ keep bragging about stupid stuff not related to a actual home inspection like the size of your truck or checking serial numbers on new appliances with warranties already on them as my clients worry more about getting information designed to help them get a fix it punchlist they will work on or re-evaluate the property they are about to purchase which they may wish to renegotiate or walk away from based on my assessment of the systems and components.

I will continue to give my full photo and graphic based reports with summary issues in red so they can present concerns to their Brokers and Lawyers but at least you have a cool looking truck and great marketing gimmicks .

Have a good day and good luck in the future.

P.S Dale I see why you avoid the forum and took the pledge not to ever sell your clients information to third party vendors like Russ .H does and avoid these sell out idiots now.

Members here would do well to follow your advice as you are not a screaming child and keep a professional image at all times which is what matters to the public.

Man, I guess you missed the smiley face…it was a joke…Take a chill pill!

What did I brag about?

Bob, you have personal issues and read into EVERYTHING as an attack.

Did I mention my van? Did I mention warranties? Did I mention recall check?

My God you have a serious problems.

To late that position is already filled have ya not been reading the forum lately:shock:

You must have really tied one on because now I have personal issues and serious problems.

WOW you must be out to make your self my personal enemy or at least you are heading in the right direction.

Is this part of the Inspectors who sell personal client information to 3rd party vendors cult.
I am slowly beginning to see you guys as part of a cult who hang here all day trying to recruit others.

How much are you being paid for all the attacks you make on fellow NACHI members all day.

Go do some work like I am .
Have no time for these personal attacks on those who decide not to follow your little cult.

I see others are getting sick of the cult that sells out clients as well…

Been staying out of it but you here and now are making me think of putting a pledge logo on my signature because I see what type of individuals are doing the cult thing.
Those sucking up and Newbies or desperate inspectors.
Becoming clear.

You are not helping your master here.

Bob, call me your personal enemy number one. You are blowing things way out of proportion. But if you want facts, here they are. You suck, after 9 years your an old guy with a Kia and really have to brag about themselves (see previous post right here on this thread). I never once mentioned anything like you did about themselves, if you so loved and revered then in a city with millions of people, it’s only you and a Kia after nine years?

Anyone can sell a service when there are MILLIONS of people. Your an old guy who studies pictures at night and then brags all freakin day about how loved you are. People who have to brag about themselves are the one who actually have people talk for them.

Know how my past clients talk for me? I constantly need to hire more people. It not an ego thing, it’s a fact thing you just can seem to wrap your head around. I tried being nice, and being neutral. You just took everything the wrong way.

Another fact, the reason I didn’t “hang” out with you in Vegas is your super weird. Any guy who brags about getting laid in their 60’s has serious issues. How you and your cousin were talking up the ladies and then he C blocked you…are we in 10th grade again?

I actually go to conferences for professional reasons, not to try and be Leon Phelps…

How about you ignore me and I will ignore you? Seems rather fair.

I also love how you and Dale are now the same kinda people…the only thing you and Dale have in common is the neither of you have a Z in your name. He is a true professional who has a product demanded by so many he has to hire people to keep up with the demand. You on the other hand, have one fan (yourself) and a Kia and the self induced reputation of being a Ladies man…seems the only one singing your praises is YOU…or else you would have a much more in demand company…

There it is Bob…those are the facts…

What a DB…Nine years, millions of potential customers and he has a Kia and a camera…and the biggest ego…read above. If clients really loved him after nine years wouldn’t his business be more successful?

Russ it is a shame you had to spend all day in the truck toilet just to make up a few lies and thats the best you can come up with.
What a sad little man you are and from the rumors going around your not really making money a team to do the work you should be doing for yourself.

I was a child in the sixties old man though you were not important enough to really notice other than you reminded me of a show off and con man which came out when the waitress showed up with the bill and I was getting ready to pull out my wallet when you told her Nick would pay for it behind his back.
You brag about being rich constantly and think everyone loves you but the truth is they are only pumping you for information.

Should I tell everyone how the extinguished inspectors is so dead that nobody posted past the first few days MR Con?
Dale is someone to look up to and admire ,not yourself.
You come here as a member and undermine the association and Nick but he most likely just laughs at you like a pet stumbling on itself.

You honestly do not want to know what they say about you.

Damn at least Nate is smart enough not to be fixated and has his workers post for him while you are paranoid to do the same.

I will be in business long after you are gone because you are Narcissistic…(a personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity.)
You will continue to try and make a team concept work even as you lose money.

Everyone here other than your Recalled buddies will read this and see you.

You started this and you start most of your self conjured battles because you attack others out of fear .
You create enemies when they never existed…so sad.
Have a good evening and try not to sit up in bed peeking over the covers shaking because you think everyone is out to get you…or are they.

P.S Spend all night on a reply if you wish as I will never see it.
Not going to get involved with you personality disorder types anymore as I focus more on my business so have at it and waste more of your time.
Guess you have nothing better to do past playing golf to try and drum up cash flow.

Hey guys will someone email me a link to the pledge site.
Russ has convinced me to use it in my signature because if he is an example of the morals those selling client information have then I need to vow never to be like him.

Nate should know his buddy Russ is helping drive business away rather than toward him.

Great post Bob.
Rusty has a drinking problem and just doesn’t accept the fact that he has issues.
Here’s the link to the Pledge site:
I’ve got some photos of him mounting Mr. Dingles and Ma Dingles that I’ll post at a later date.:wink:
Then we also have Dingleberries baby picture.


I just sent you an email Bob.

It’s official, March has come in like a lion.

Damn that Bob, he has my number! Called me out and everything. I wonder who has been feeding him “rumors”? See how people just throw poop on on the wall and see what sticks?

Well he is right we have a Prius now…

O yea, I forgot about the red van too…

Damnit then there is the Mauck…that was there also…

I’ll be Hog tied…there is ANOTHER Sprinter! Who parked that there?

OMFG…the Mauck and the Sprinter musta been getting freaky they gave birth to a baby Ford!

Damn the rumors…If they say it on the internet it must be true!..See next post there is even another van.

I wish I knew how to make some money at this profession. Bob can ya help a brother out?

Then there is MACK Daddy van…Lets not forget about that!

Sorry took long to respond was actually get the new office up and running…man to work out the kinks of these items takes a long time. This one was actually thought up on the way back from Vegas…Me and Preston Halstead were sitting in a small transit bus and thought…Damn this is perfect for a mobile office…

Well here is the brain child of me and Preston…

As far as people “pumping” me for information?..All they have to do is ask, I will help. Always have and always will. No need for pumping of anything.

And once again, the reason people think there is no money to be made at a team level, is because they are performing $199 inspections. So, if that is the price, then they have a point. But present yourself as a professional. show up as a professional, look professional and be profession and deliver a professional report and then HOLY CRAP…they PAY you like a Professional…

I know, I know…Professionalism is just another gimmick…

Wow Russ the new truck looks great! I’m not sure what has got into Bob. Adding more services and showing you are professional only helps all in this business looking to be successful. I have not met one inspector that has a nice inspection vehicle and provides added services that gives a 7 page report as Bob suggests. Finishing reports onsite before you start the next inspection is the only way to do it. Personally I could not imagine not having more than onE professional inspecting a home at one time. Is it all great marketing? Absolutely! Does all this increase the service to the client? You bet. Growing your business is not for the weak.