Originally Posted By: ajalowsky This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Bruce and Judy Kirby will be attending the Idaho/Montana REALTORS Convention in Sun Valley, Idaho, September 14-17th, to represent the Western NACHI Members and to inform the REALTORs about how much NACHI Inspectors have to offer the homebuying public. Have fun and go NACHI! Thank you Bruce and Judy!
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Russell, I think NACHI is buying the booth so go if you want. Any NACHI member can take his/her own promotional brochures and flyers and hand them out at any REALTOR booth we buy anywhere. That is what they are for.
Originally Posted By: rspriggs This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
gromicko wrote:
I suffer from short term memory loss  .
Nick, you were so beat & bushed when you were here, I'm surprised you even remember Idaho! Really, though, we all had a great time with you here, and appreciate it a lot.
Then you had Fla right after that, so I knew you had to get ready for that crowd- I'm sure they are a bit rowdier than us spudfolks!
Thanks for the offer, Nick- we'll see how things evolve; if nothing else, we'll have members in that area who can give the Kirbys a hand!
-- Exploring Planet NACHI . . . One house at a time.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This weekend even worse, SE Florida 2-day educational/training meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, then 2 flights to get to St. Louis NACHI Chapter meeting, then back to Jacksonville, FL on Sun for a meeting on Monday, then Tuesday to Chicago to meet with NAR, then home to CO on Wed.
Originally Posted By: wdecker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Don’t forget the REAL midwest, The Illinois Association of Realtors Convention, in Oakbrook, IL (Chicago suburb) on Sept 20-21st.
We already have 7 inspectors signed up to attend. If any more would like to (I figure we could use about 10-12), please let me know soonest, so I can give them the names for the nametags.
Aimee, Are we getting the usual prize bag? The copies of IQ went over BIG at the other Illinois convention, at Collinsville. Send MANY, we ran out in Collinsville and this convention will be bigger.
Hows about some of those phone book covers, with the names of the Chicago area NACHI isnpectors on them? Maybe some binders?