Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I will be going to State Realtor Conferences in the very near future, starting with Omaha, Nebraska April 12th - April 14th. If any one knows of one upcoming let me know so I can get it on my schedule. I have plans to attend the Georgia, Kansas and Alabama conferences in September. I would love to have some people join me at these, just contact me at membership@nachi.org if you are interested in helping man the booths in your state.
If you know of an upcoming conference that allows exhibitors, please let me know at membership@nachi.org so that I can get there with all of NACHI's glory, signs, etc.
Originally Posted By: rbracklow This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Dave,
Why don't you find out the schedules of the various States Realtor Conferences and make your self a schedule such as Nick has!!
I know out here in California I believe we have three main ones per year, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Sorry don't know the dates as of yet. Shouldn't be to hard to find them though.
-- The highest compliment my clients can give me, is the referral of their Friends, Family and Business Associates!
Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Ron, that is actually what I am trying to do. I have been searching on the net yesterday afternoon and then I will again this weekend trying to find out all of the dates. I was just hoping some of the members might already have some dates and locations just to save me some research.
The calendar is coming soon. One of the things I will have at these conferences is a State NACHI membership listing broken down by County for handouts.
I called and asked about vendor space for the trade show. The trade show will be held Wednesday and Thursday Sept 22-23 and costs $500.00. They have not developed any further information on the Trade Show at this time. I left my contact information with them. When it is developed and sent to me, I'll share it with you.
Bowling Green, KY is 90 miles south of Louisville, KY. 60 Miles North of Nashville, TN and about 5 hours driving time east of St Louis, MO.
Originally Posted By: rbracklow This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Great job Dave!!
I'll check with our local Realtor Association and get the dates for California. See ya in San Francisco  
-- The highest compliment my clients can give me, is the referral of their Friends, Family and Business Associates!
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey Dave,
are you going to come up to New Hampshire for the NAR conference at Bretton Woods Sept 19-22nd
I have the use of a great condo there