Mileage Tracker

MileIQ works great. It detects when you drive, keeps track of when and where and all you do is swipe left or right depending on whether the drive was personal or business.
If you’re not in the same vehicle for the vast majority of your drives, it can be a bit of a hassle to segregate the drives between vehicles so as to keep the mileage reading accurate, but otherwise it’s super easy! So much easier than having to be in the habit of writing down your mileage every time you get in and out of the truck!
Also, I’ve not had any problem with it thinking that I’ve arrived just because I stopped at an intersection. You have to stop and either stay stopped for several minutes or be out walking around where the app can tell your aren’t driving for it to think you’ve arrived.

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MileIQ here! Very user friendly and allows you cater it to your needs.

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Paper and Pencil here. Very user friendly and allows you to modify to your needs!


Hey man, what works for you :+1:

I spend about a total of an hour or two annually, and I’m probably overestimating, tracking my mileage though MileIQ and this also includes automatic generation of an end-of-year report and reconciling and inputing my mileage into my tax software.

I won’t ask how much time y’all pencil pushers are spending with your system :wink:

Apparently less than you are. It takes two seconds before I turn my truck off to write down my mileage. I don’t have to worry about it getting lost in the cloud, deleted etc.

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Yeah, I used the book method about 20 years ago and then moved to using Yahoo maps. Now I use MileIQ because it is SO much easier and efficient. And no data loss. What happens if you lose your book or spill liquid on it? I remember those days :wink:

I was being realistic and accounted for 10 seconds a day which like I said, is way overestimated, it probably takes about 5 or 6 seconds or less doing my swipes per day. That’s for two businesses. I don’t have to write anything down, just categorize with a swipe.

Here’s my math:

10 seconds a day x 5 day/week x 50 weeks = 2500 seconds / 60 = 42 minutes / yr

Who knows, maybe it takes the same time for both of us :man_shrugging: but this is now my preferred method.