Mixed Radon levels

Originally Posted By: jdavidson
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I got two SN CRM and I had strange test results

I did the first test by the sump (8 feet away) and got about 40. Since that was the highest I have taken I took another reading in another part of the basement and got a 20. I thought that it didn't matter when in the basement you took the reading. Any thoughts? BTW The weather didn't change.

John Davidson
Heads Up Home Inspections
Morton, IL

Originally Posted By: dbowers
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Who cares - they’re both excessively high and in need of repair.

Now that I've said that - take them home. Sit them side by side and do a 48 hour test. If they're really out of whackers with each other - send them out for recalibration. If not, forget it.

Originally Posted By: psabados
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Hey John looks like you found the main entry point. Let me guess, open sump, possibly without a liner and dry base.

You got to remember about the half lifes of the molecules, house pressurization and air movement. At the sump, you're catching them at the easiest entry point.

Anyway, the house is hot and it needs remediation.
