Originally Posted By: jspringstead This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’ve been called to perform an inspection on a 62 unit motel that’s going to be turned into condo units. Building is 10 years old and has an indoor pool with some type of ceiling moisture problems. Otherwise, the investors are basically looking for any "surprises " . Doesn’t seem much different than my normal condo inspection other than its very large. (only 2-story) Any advice/help on pricing or procedures? Thanks in advance.
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I just did a 39 unit motel with a three bedroom home on the property…if I would have quoted a price I probably would have been screwed. Took 12.5 hours to complete the inspection over a day and a half. I just quoted an hourly rate.
I’m working on the report which will take me more than 8 hours to complete I’m sure with over 200 photo’s to include in it…I plan that for tomorrow…it’s two reports really. One for the home and one for the motel.
Originally Posted By: jspringstead This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
200 photos! Wow, I believe your using report host also aren’t you? I just finished one and have 3 more on my deck to complete today. How are you resizing/downloading?
I’m thinking I’m going to tell my motel/condo investors that I’ll do it by the hour. I was thinking 8-12 hours total, depending on how detailed they want to get. Building is covered in some type of “stucco” product that after only 10 years is showing signs of falling off and decay. Interior seems pretty straight up. Each unit has its own wall heat/air unit. Pool room has a drop ceiling that frames are rusting badly. Been awful busy this month but hate to turn the work down!
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Yep…reporthost. I use windows xp powertoys image resizer. Resized all the pictures in about 20 seconds, and then just emailed all the pics in to reporthost…2 minutes.